Putting People First Update Mental Health VCS Network Thursday 16 th September 2010 Amanda Smith Development Manager, Choice & Control & Sue Harris Lead Commissioner for Mental Health
2[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Personalisation – What is it ? Choice and Control – assessment, funding, services, evaluation Focus on everyone not just the few Focus on early intervention / prevention rather than crisis management Focus on quality of life and personal outcomes not needs and disabilities Self directed support for eligible people and their personal budgets, with a support / brokerage rather than assessment / gate keeping role for statutory agencies Information, advice and advocacy key More efficient use of available money building on personal, family, friends, and community resources and networks
3[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Personalisation – Why ? Demographics – by 2026 the population of over 65s will increase by 56% from 96,500 to 151,000 Finances - Wanless Review identified that the total spend on social care for older people would need to increase from £10.1bn in 2002 to £24bn by 2026 Eligibility - FACS criteria focuses on critical and substantial with little funding for prevention which can mean people become more dependent for longer (Transforming Social Care) Expectations – are growing and people dont want the menu of services provided by Social Care (Putting People First) Citizenship – need to shift control and decision making power from the state to the citizen for social care
4[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Four key areas of transformation 1. Access to Universal Services 2. A focus on Prevention and Early Intervention 3. Increased Choice & Control 4. Maximizing Social Capital
5[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Milestone Self-Improvement Framework Milestone 1: Effective partnerships and people using services, carers and other local citizens. Milestone 2: Self-directed support and personal budgets. Milestone 3: Prevention and cost effective services. Milestone 4: Information and advice Milestone 5: Local commissioning
6[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers]
7[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Personalisation in Mental Health – the challenges Social and health care policy Pace of change and expectation More prescribed system Duty of care Different access / pathway Limited creative care planning Limited menu to choose from Issues around capacity and timely recovery
8[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Making it a reality JCU addressing 3 key challenges: 1.Menu of provision 2.Support 3.Creative support planning How? Re- ablement service Introduction of the recovery star, Updated dashboard linked to outcomes
9[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Coming on the journey Re-ablement + 3 year market support mechanism Moving the market closer to what people want Recovery is central Develop unit costs linked to outcomes Health Budgets – for example: s117 Crisis budgets
10[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Uncertain times Structural reform and financial pressures = changing environment for providers Need to enhance the outcomes for service users, maximize what is available and build capacity…. Personalisation at the core of future delivery
11[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Choice and Control – Summary The overall vision is that the state should empower citizens to shape their own lives and the services they receive. Change is inevitable Partnership working- users/carers, providers, statutory agencies – is vital