Population Growth
What does Texas look like today? What are the implications of migration? What does this mean for Texas?
Total Population Growth million million million million
Recent Growth (2000) Texas -- grew by 380,975 Immigrants % (Mexico and Latin America)
Murdock Report 1996 Reasons: –Increase in size of population –demand for public programs –budgetary implications
Other Reasons California Proposition 187 anti-immigration sentiment use of public funds for some programs: –education –health care Federal government to pick-up tab Guest worker program
Net Migration Cohort component: –Anglos (non-Hispanic whites) –Blacks (non-Hispanic Blacks) –Hispanics of all races –others (all others not Hispanic) Movement into and out of state from other nations and states
Assumes current migration rate Program costs ( ): –labor force rates –incarceration rates –householder rates –Welfare user rates
Immigration Key determinants of growth –immigrants from other states in U.S. –immigrants from other nations –their descendents
Increased Diversity Anglo -- increase by 20.4% Black -- increase by 62 % Hispanic -- increase by percent other == %
Results Reduces relative growth rate of labor force due to an aging population Lowers the educational attainment and skill level of labor force reduces wage and salary level of labor force
Policy Implications Increased growth in human services, job training, and educational programs for older persons and minority groups
Lower socioeconomic resources due to more minority households (poorer) faster projected growth of minority populations
Reduces the overall socioeconomic welfare of state –decreased consumer expenditures –decreased tax revenues
Study resulted in Closing the Gap initiatives for Texas universities –Minority students –First-generation students
Types of immigrants: –refugees –temporary labor migrants –without documents –all other kinds of legal immigrants
Eligibility for Public Services Refugees eligible upon arrival permanent resident aliens not immediately eligible illegal migrants -- lowest probability of seeking public assistance due to fear to deportation