UKSON e-Navigation Operational & Technical Working Group 16 th February 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

UKSON e-Navigation Operational & Technical Working Group 16 th February 2007

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Workshop Objective To give UK navigational practitioners, service providers, system designers, manufacturers, educational and training establishments etc, an opportunity to influence all aspects of the development and implementation of E-Navigation. To contribute, on behalf of the UK, to the Correspondence Group Report to NAV 53

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas DfT Hierarchy Logistics & Maritime Transport Directorate Shipping Policy DivisionPorts Division MCA DfT

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas E-Navigation: A Definition The collection, integration and display of maritime information aboard and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth-to-berth navigation and related services, safety and security at sea, and the protection of the marine environment (IALA) – presently under review due to perceived lack of breadth and clarity

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas E-Navigation: The Main Drivers Safety of life at sea Safety of life at sea Marine environmental protection Marine environmental protection Maritime security Maritime security Enhanced maritime transport logistics Enhanced maritime transport logistics Potential reduction in reliance on traditional aids to navigation Potential reduction in reliance on traditional aids to navigation Primary considerations are (1) costs and benefits, (2) human factors and (3) technology.

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene March 2005 March 2005 A proposition to invite IMO, with participation from IHO and IALA, to commence work towards a global framework and strategy for the develop- ment of an integrated electronic navigation system for the marine sector. A proposition to invite IMO, with participation from IHO and IALA, to commence work towards a global framework and strategy for the develop- ment of an integrated electronic navigation system for the marine sector. Brian Wadsworth

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas The Wadsworth Letter Secure a global consensus supporting a set of definitions and outcome-based standards for e- Navigation. Secure a global consensus supporting a set of definitions and outcome-based standards for e- Navigation. Identify key issues and requirements Identify key issues and requirements Develop the components of a co-ordinated plan Develop the components of a co-ordinated plan Agree and assign responsibilities Agree and assign responsibilities Set milestones, initiate actions and manage delivery of a project plan Set milestones, initiate actions and manage delivery of a project plan

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene June 2005 June 2005 Brian Wadsworth hosted an international meeting at Trinity House as a further step to soliciting wider support for an E-Navigation strategy. Brian Wadsworth hosted an international meeting at Trinity House as a further step to soliciting wider support for an E-Navigation strategy. Nov 2005 Nov 2005 Speech by Dr Stephen Ladyman (Shipping Minister) to the RIN explaining how E- Navigation could improve marine navigation Speech by Dr Stephen Ladyman (Shipping Minister) to the RIN explaining how E- Navigation could improve marine navigation

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene Dec 2005 Dec 2005 Submission of a proposal by Japan, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, UK & USA on Development of E- Navigation Strategy (MSC 81/23/10) Submission of a proposal by Japan, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, UK & USA on Development of E- Navigation Strategy (MSC 81/23/10)

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene May 2006 May 2006 Decision by MSC for a high priority new work item on Development of an E-Navigation Strategy on the NAV and COMSAR Sub- Committee agendas with a target completion date of Decision by MSC for a high priority new work item on Development of an E-Navigation Strategy on the NAV and COMSAR Sub- Committee agendas with a target completion date of IALA 16th Conference (Shanghai) IALA 16th Conference (Shanghai) Strategy #4: Taking a lead role in the development of E-Navigation and the Marine Electronic Highway Strategy #4: Taking a lead role in the development of E-Navigation and the Marine Electronic Highway

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene July 2006 July 2006 NAV 52 – All discussion on E-Navigation took place under Any Other Business NAV 52 – All discussion on E-Navigation took place under Any Other Business Japanese paper (NAV 52/17/4) Japanese paper (NAV 52/17/4) Utilisation of AIS Class B Utilisation of AIS Class B Further development of bridge information systems to improve recognition and judgement Further development of bridge information systems to improve recognition and judgement Introduction of broadband data communications Introduction of broadband data communications Establishment of an E-Navigation Correspondence Group under the co- ordination of the UK Establishment of an E-Navigation Correspondence Group under the co- ordination of the UK

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas CG Terms of Reference Definition and scope of the concept of E- Navigation Definition and scope of the concept of E- Navigation Identification of: Identification of: Key issues and priorities Key issues and priorities Benefits and obstacles Benefits and obstacles Roles of IMO, its Member States, other bodies and industry Roles of IMO, its Member States, other bodies and industry Formulation of a work programme Formulation of a work programme

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene Sep 2006 Sep 2006 IALA E-Navigation Committee convened a workshop in Paris IALA E-Navigation Committee convened a workshop in Paris Nov 2006 Nov 2006 Australian Maritime Safety Agency (AMSA) convened an E-Navigation workshop in Sydney Australian Maritime Safety Agency (AMSA) convened an E-Navigation workshop in Sydney Establishment of the UKSON E-Navigation Technical & Operational Working Group Establishment of the UKSON E-Navigation Technical & Operational Working Group

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene Dec 2006 Dec 2006 Nautical Institute held a 1-day workshop on E- Navigation in London Nautical Institute held a 1-day workshop on E- Navigation in London UK, in the role of Correspondence Group Co- ordinator, submitted a request on behalf of NAV Sub-Committee to COMSAR Sub- Committee for information relating to the development of an E-Navigation Strategy (COMSAR 11/14/1) UK, in the role of Correspondence Group Co- ordinator, submitted a request on behalf of NAV Sub-Committee to COMSAR Sub- Committee for information relating to the development of an E-Navigation Strategy (COMSAR 11/14/1)

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene Feb 2007 Feb 2007 UKSON E-Navigation Technical and Operational Working Group Workshop UKSON E-Navigation Technical and Operational Working Group Workshop COMSAR 11 (19-23 Feb) COMSAR 11 (19-23 Feb) Mar 2007 Mar 2007 IALA E-Navigation Committee – 2 nd Meeting (here at MCA HQ) IALA E-Navigation Committee – 2 nd Meeting (here at MCA HQ)

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Setting the Scene July 2007 July 2007 Trinity House E-Navigation Seminar Trinity House E-Navigation Seminar NAV 53 (23-27 July) NAV 53 (23-27 July) E-Navigation Working Group established E-Navigation Working Group established Consideration of the Correspondence Group Report Consideration of the Correspondence Group Report

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas CG – Work in Progress 1. Definition of the core objectives? 2. Definition of the core system architecture? 3. Assessment of existing elements of system architecture 4. Assessment of competency levels 5. Gap analysis 6. Filling the gaps 7. Bodies/mechanisms/processes to fill the gaps 8. Assigning responsibilities and timetables

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas Workshop Focus Human Factors and E-Navigation Human Factors and E-Navigation Technology and E-Navigation Technology and E-Navigation Key benefits to be gained from developing E-Navigation Key benefits to be gained from developing E-Navigation

safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas