Inmarsat Presentation to MRATC 6 December 2007 Brian Mullan Head, Maritime Safety Services
Maritime Safety and Security Highlights Inmarsat in the GMDSS Long-Range ID and Tracking (LRIT) Equipment upgrades Amendments to Resolution A.888(21) Relocation of the constellation
Inmarsat in the GMDSS Inmarsat is still the sole IMO-mandated provider of satellite communications for the GMDSS Availability for GMDSS is a minimum of 99.9% Inmarsat has constantly and consistently exceeded this figure Independently audited by IMSO and reported on to IMO Inmarsat commercial services use the same satellites and network Inmarsat A closes at midnight on 31 December 2007 Agreed by IMO – MSC/Circ.1076 Successful closure programme almost concluded º Overseen throughout by IMSO GMDSS services continue to be provided by: Inmarsat B, Inmarsat C/mini-C and Inmarsat Fleet F77 º Potential for GMDSS on FleetBroadband being assessed
Long-Range ID and Tracking Inmarsats role is as a Communications Service Provider (CSP) Reliable satellites and ground networks in place Proven equipment fitted on ships for GMDSS and SSAS More than 107,000 Inmarsat C/mini-C* Some LRIT issues; being addressed Approval by Administrations in hand Plus Inmarsat D+ Upgradeable network EDR and EPADR Inmarsat will be ready for LRIT Mk.2 * As at 01 November 2007
Equipment Upgrades LRIT trials by the Marshall Islands All Inmarsat C/mini-C Deficiencies in LRIT performance detected (not GMDSS) Related to ~10-15% of 1,000 ships trialled If extrapolated this could mean ~7,500 ships worldwide º Most will require upgrades to software and/or hardware IMO agreement on requirement for upgrades New Work Items for COMSAR and NAV (2 sessions each) Applies to all navigation and communications electronics Flag Administrations to ensure performance standards compliance Ship owners to check with manufacturers or their agents º If necessary, equipment to be made compliant Software, firmware or hardware upgrades
IMO Resolution A.888(21) The IMO Criteria for the Provision of Mobile Satellite Communications Systems in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Amendments were proposed; potentially to make it simpler for other satellite systems to be approved The original requirements remain and were approved by MSC 83 No dilution of standards Minor amendments only; replacement Resolution A.XXX(25) expected to be approved by the IMO 25 th Assembly Inmarsat remains the sole, approved satcom provider for the GMDSS
Recognised Mobile Satellite Service Provider (RMSSP) Allied to the proposed revisions to A.888(21), there had been moves to remove references to Inmarsat in SOLAS Substitution by Recognised Mobile Satellite Services Provider (RMSSP) previously accepted in the IMO Collision Regulations No other provider has come forward and Norway led the move to revert back from RMSSP to Inmarsat Agreed by COMSAR 11 and endorsed by MSC 83 Currently, no other potential provider has applied to IMO for recognition as a future GMDSS provider Delivery of maritime safety information Subsequent need for PSA and oversight by IMSO
Relocation of the constellation Inmarsat-4 flight 3 (I4F3) planned for launch March/April 2008 After successful launch and deployment: Optimisation of constellation Some satellites will be repositioned Optimisation plans have been subject to detailed validation by the Inmarsat safety services department Evaluation shows no threat to maritime safety services Either before, during or after relocation Full satellite contingency will continue to be provided throughout IMSO have been advised of the plans and are content º Regular contingency exercises will continue to be carried out º IMSO will keep IMO advised accordingly
Summary Inmarsat is still the only IMO-mandated satcom provider for GMDSS No other applications have come forward Inmarsats role in LRIT is clear …and Inmarsat is prepared for potential increases in capacity requirements LRIT (and other) equipment upgrade requirements are clear at IMO Compliance path is similarly clear Resolution A.888(21) revisions maintain robust GMDSS requirements But door remains open to any potential provider to meet these requirements Maritime Safety Services closely engaged in relocation plans This process is dynamic and ongoing Full oversight of GMDSS contingencies by IMSO throughout
Brian Mullan Head, Maritime Safety Services Inmarsat plc 99 City Road London EC1Y 1AX United Kingdom Tel: Thank you!