American Studies Course Overview Welcome Back
Today’s Agenda Assign Seats Distribute “Maggie” books Make Name Cards Teacher Introductions/Show Teacher Websites Distribute Textbooks Classroom Rules Materials Needed Course Overview
Class Rules Absolutely NO CELL PHONES/IPODs –No warnings will be given before confiscation Be on time –Before class and after breaks No eating unless you have a lunch pass NO writing on desks You must sign-out with a pass in order to leave the room –Do not abuse this privilege Respect Others –On person talks at a time
Materials Needed 5 Section 3-Ring Binder Pencil (#2) Pen American Studies Textbook Name Cards
Mr. Montaigne 19 th Year Teaching 7 th Year at LMHS –American Studies –AP Europe –Political and Consumer Ed. –Indiv. And Society
Mr. Reilly 150 th Year of Teaching –American Studies –11 th Grade Honors Football Coach Family Guy
What is American Studies? Interdisciplinary course that uses history and literature to trace the path of the United States in the 20 th Century?
Multisensory Lots of visuals, video clips Student Presentations daily Holistic –We study wars, laws, presidents, music, literature, sports, trends
We begin with America at the turn of the Century.
The first half of the year we see America dealing with the effects of the Industrial Revolution, WWI, and the Roaring 20s.
Later in the year we will study:
The last 125 years had an enormous impact on the way you live today.
America became a nation of incredible technological feats
America became a nation known for peace.
America became a nation known for its military power.
America became a “tale of two nations”.
America is a nation both envied and despised by much of the world.
Ultimately our goal is to help you shape your own views as to what the America of the future should be like by using the past 100 years as a guide.
Some things to look forward to this year. Guest Speakers –Mr. Zanzinger –Mr. Cooper, Mr. Heuwitt Class Trip –To Washington Movie Days Being taught by Mr. Reilly and Mr. Morris every day!!!!!
Have a historical year, literally!!