21 st Century Kids Notes from a keynote by Dr. David Dwyer [ACOT] Department of Education Meeting July 2002 Washington, D.C.
The Millenials 11 th and 12 th graders in America 70 million of them 34% are minorities Grew up in the longest period of peacetime and economic expansion in American history 60% participate in community service
Millenials Rising: The Next Generation, High School Class of % believe spirituality is important, and are actively creating their own! 34% are multi-tasking at any given moment 20% carry cell phones 87% are online
50% believe they will own their own business someday Are looking for quality in careers: Responsibility Independence Creativity Idealistic Have $302 billion in discretionary spending (~$75/week)
Urban Divide 50% graduate from 32 of America’s largest cities Demonstrate greater at-risk behavior among drop outs
Learning Styles Want to learn with and from technology Want to learn online In their own time and place Doing things that matter!
On an average day 64 million Americans go online: Send Chat Shop Do a search to answer a question Get driving directions Make travel arrangements Check sports scores
National Report Card Math is problematic. Science—no improvement Using technology: Students gain more skills 30% faster Greater time on task Students write more and better More students have greater access to information Motivation to achieve is greater: attendance, graduation, college-bound possibilities