Charles Drew University of Medicine & Science David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Medical Education Program
CME Question Sample Question: each student MUST provide on multiple choice question What is the critical level of adherence to ARVs below which clinical outcomes are significantly reduced? a) 80% b) 85% c) 90% d) 95%
Introduction (or Background) Present existing body of knowledge or existing problem State “gaps” in knowledge/understanding What “gaps” will your study address? Remember: inverted triangle (big to small) May include: Prevalence Things done in past What needs to be done, etc.
Objectives (or Specific Aims) Present what your study aims to achieve, objectives of your study WHY ARE YOU DOING YOUR STUDY? May include: Hypothesis Or put Hypothesis on separate slide that follows Objectives slide
Methods (or Study Design) Present any relevant Five W’s and How Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How HOW ARE YOU DOING YOUR STUDY? How was the sample collected? Who/what is in the sample (eligibility)? What sample size was collected? Which variable is used to measure hypothesis? How is it measured?
Data Analysis Present statistical techniques used to analyze data What tool was used (software)?
Results Present your findings Did you prove your hypothesis? May include (recommended visuals): Tables Graphs P-values OD, CI Etc.
Discussion Present findings in relation to “big picture” Compare/contrast to other essential studies May include: Implications Limitations Future directions
Acknowledgement! {Name the people that help in the process of your research study.}
Thank you Q & A Prompt audience for questions Anticipate, be prepared to answer If you don’t know, say so “Does anyone in audience know?” “I’ll address this with my mentors”
Directions for This Template Step 1: Type your “talking script” into PPT Notes (Menu: View > Notes Page) Step 2: Type your own text into face of each slide (Menu: View > Normal) Step 3: Practice timing (Menu: Slide Show > Rehearse Timings) Step 4: Delete timing!! (Menu: Slide Show > Slide Transition … uncheck “Automatically” and click on “Apply to All Slides”) Step 4: Delete this Directions slide!!