I.T. SKILLS (iii) What should I be able to do?
TOP TIP #7 – SYSTEMATISE THE ROUTINE 1.Canvas prospective dates; 2.Confirm best date to attendees; 3.Book room; 4.Book refreshments; 5.Canvas agenda items; 6.Draft agenda + associated papers; 7.Notify reception; 8.Check IT requirements; 9.Book IT equipment; 10.Circulate documents + previous minutes; 11.Print nameplates; 12.Check room, refreshments, IT equipment; 13.Collect visitors; 14.HAVE MEETING 15.Draft meeting note; 16.Return to 1
THE LAST SLIDE – TOP TIP SUMMARY 1.Always work on the most important thing; 2.Get organised + prioritise; 3.Beware the baton; 4.Beware the time thief; 5.Improve I.T. skills; 6.Create pressure; 7.Systematise the routine; 8.Invest to save; 9.Sniff out the ambiguity; 10.Think about interfaces; 11.Be Bodie and Doyle; 12.Remember Yoda; 13.Look after yourself; 14.Target opportunities. Deciding what to do Doing it Doing it well