Commercial Food Service Equipment Commercial Food Service Equipment Kate Lewis, EPA May 21, 2007
Overview ENERGY STAR Background EPA Goals and Strategy Market Actors and how ENERGY STAR works with them Discussion
About ENERGY STAR The Brand’s Proven Results Americans have purchased more than 2 billion products that have earned the ENERGY STAR The ENERGY STAR mark widely recognized High brand loyalty High brand loyalty: most ENERGY STAR purchasers would recommend the brand to others
ENERGY STAR Commercial Food Service Family Expected 2007
Goals Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Savings achieved through tracking increased sales of commercial dishwashers Increase sales and market penetration of ENERGY STAR qualified commercial dishwashers
Strategy Provide market actors/supply chain with information about energy- efficiency and ENERGY STAR benefits
Market Actors Manufacturers Manufacturer Reps Manufacturer Association (s) Equipment Specifiers/Consultants Dealers/Distributors Power Companies/Utilities Operators
Manufacturers Partner with ENERGY STAR Develop and qualify products QP list them Label the product Awareness/Education
Manufacturers Reps Educate and train Publication outreach
Associations NAFEM –Exhibit –Educational sessions
Specifiers/Consultants FCSI –Upcoming Consultant article –Educational opportunities Super Regionals Conference –Training opportunities
Dealers/Distributors SEFA –Past newsletter articles –Training program in the works
Utilities/Rebates 9 states currently offering rebates
Why Utility Rebates? Many utilities are now required to fund energy-efficiency programs Programs are evaluated on participation numbers—how many pieces of equipment they rebate
Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo 2006 Utility Co-Marketing
Operators Recent press about operators concerns with rising fuel and energy costs ENERGY STAR focusing on restaurants, as they are the most energy-intensive Working with NRA on education and awareness activity Shaping Restaurants to Be Models of Efficiency By LAURA NOVAK May 17, 2006 “[I]f restaurants were automobiles, they would be Hummers. That's because the restaurant business wastes more energy than any other industry in America. Experts say that 80 percent of the $10 billion annual energy bill for commercial food service is squandered by the use of inefficient equipment.” “The industry's efforts to save energy are becoming more universal. ‘This is not a fad,’ said Charlie Souhrada, director of member services for the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers, a trade group in Chicago. "This is definitely where the future lies from the food service operators to the food service suppliers' perspectives."
Co-marketing New Rebate Finder Helps Operators Trim Costs Publication Outreach Website cross-links Energy Center Conference calls with SRAs and ENERGY STAR utilities
Operators Independents –Small Biz Franchises Corporate Chains –Commercial Kitchen Initiative
Evaluation Typically ENERGY STAR is the top 25% of the market EPA evaluates their success by collecting shipment data EPA tracks shipments over the years to determine success and when revisions may be necessary
Discussion What are unique aspects of commercial dishwashers that affect marketing plans?
Contact Information Kate Lewis, US EPA – –Phone: Gwen Duff, ICF International – –Phone: