1.NET Web Forms Client-Side JavaScript © 2002 by Jerry Post
2 Syntax: C variant Netscape Microsoft Web Development + HTML and Dynamic HTML + SDK Documentation + Reference Variables:var i; (does not support data types) Conditionsif (i > 10) { … } Loopswhile (condition) { … } Functionsfunction myFn(a, b, c) { … } No pointers! alert(“Message”) helps with debugging WARNING: Everything in Javascript is case-sensitive!!!!
3 Document Object Model (DOM) Anything you really want to do in client JavaScript relies on the document object model. The “old” Netscape DOM has nothing in common with The “standard” Microsoft DOM Which is good, since the Netscape version was awful. Two primary elements to learn Reference to objects on the page (especially in forms) Events
4 Document/Form Items Refer to a value: document.form1.UserID.value Submit a form with a button (rare): onClick=“this.form.submit()”
5 Form Validation Today, build it into ASP.NET and let it write the code. But, in case you need more detailed code: Function ValidateMe() { // a bunch of if tests on document.form1.whatever if (valid) { return true; } else { return false; }
6 Events Many objects on the page support events. Common list: click focus onmouseover Onmouseout Easiest structure is to define functions to handle each desired event, and then add the appropriate call to the object:
7 Setting focus A common script task is the ability to set focus to the initial text element. Strangely, ASP.NET does not yet support this feature. Put the script at the end of the document, and double-check that control exists before you set focus (to ensure the form is loaded). if(document.Form1.txtUser != null) document.Form1.txtUser.focus();
8 Rollover Effects Commonly used with buttons. You can add the code to an asp button, or to an HTML button. It will only work with Microsoft Internet Explorer. <asp:ImageButton id="ImageButton1" style="Z-INDEX: 119; LEFT: 202px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 504px“ runat="server" ImageUrl="images/DeleteButton1.gif“ onmouseover="this.src='images/DeleteButton2.gif';“ onmouseout="this.src='images/DeleteButton1.gif';">
9 Drop-Down Menus These require relatively complex code. The code is really ugly if you want to support Netscape as well as Microsoft. Several versions can be found on the Internet. Only a few support Netscape. Microsoft documentation (MSDN) a couple of years ago had a nice system that uses XML and XSL to set the menu items. Style was controlled through style sheets, so the system was easy to implement. ASP.NET does support a tree-structure control, but it probably requires a round-trip for each click. It would take a dedicated class in JavaScript to cover all of the details to write your own.