Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 Urszula Ciołeszyńska – Poland
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 I am a Polish economist, the president of a company I created 7 years ago, which specializes in providing comprehensive advisory services to new and existing businesses in Poland to acquire funding through the European Union. I am also very active in social work through several organizations. One of which I founded and am acting current president of; is the Foundation for Promotion of Economic Innovation. I am an active member of the International Association of Lions Clubs, being a co-founder of my local Lions Club. I am proud to have been awarded as the Ambassador of Goodwill of Lions Clubs International in As for my personal life, I have raised two sons to adulthood. They now have their own families. About me
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 Being an Female Entrepreneur Ambassador as a part of the European Network for me means a great opportunity to serve others, to lern from others & challenge to change. - my ideas - my motivations based on my personal experiences About me …..
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 To help women to solve a very old problem in a very new and innovative way using new resources in our digital age. To be financially independent To be successful balancing family & business Ambassador of Female Entrepreneurship - my idea
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 Call for action to use this great potential of all of us working together as Female Entrepreneurs Ambassadors, who will establish not for profit organizations fully dedicated to promote and support female entrepreneurship as a new lifestyle in each country. For marketing reason they will have similar name EMBASSY FOR FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS IN … ( country ) This is call for action
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 Imagine.. Embassy for Female Entrepreneurs in Poland Embassy for Female Entrepreneurs in Italy Embassy for Female Entrepreneurs in Germany Embassy for Female Entrepreneurs in France Having such organizations in many countries which will be follow by similar cookie cutter idea we will have voice which will be heard, we create a big ability to represent female entrepreneurs in our countries so we will speak to our governments and be heard. Call for action
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 There are many female organizations on local levels, regional and national levels in our countries. They do a lot, many great activities. More organizations – more problems are taking care of. Let's bring them together and with respect to their activities invite them to cooperation, which will help Female Entrepreneurs to grow. Call for action...
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 Let's start today January 20 th in Florence - Italy 2011 Year of Female Entrepreneurs Call for action...
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 Global repository of knowledge (Wikipedia, information portals) Internet communication ( , skype) Social networking (Facebook) E-learning (webminars, e-books) New technologies in service of Female Entrepreneurs
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 Easy way to start own business We create a cookie cutter idea the all that they need to do is follow the instructions, to follow our franchise instructions. New projects in service of Female Entrepreneurs Franchise Projects
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 run by women in order for supporting women in balancing work and private life opportunity to run business based on franchise - easy to start Day Care Center – example of franchise project
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 When we go home after this meeting I propose that we all do the same, that we create one organization in each country. Embassy for Female Entrepreneurs in many countries. This action will be very important. We need to give membership to all these women organizations and make them to understand how important is to certificate professional businesses run by women. This voice from such organizations will be heard - they will see us & will listen to us. Call for action – Let's start it now
Final Meeting of WAI – Women Ambassadors in Italy Florence, 20 th January 2011 Thanks for Your Attention Urszula Ciołeszyńska President of Foundation for Promotion of Economic Innovation phone: