1996: Clinton (D) vs. Dole (R) 1) Dole’s age. 2) Economy on the rise. 3) Affirmative Action 4) Very low voter turnout!
2000: Bush (R) vs. Gore (D) 1) Gore’s personality. 2) Lesser of two evils. 3) Gore won popular vote, Bush won electoral college. (Sup. Ct.)
Bush and Gore
2004: Bush (R) vs. Kerry (D) 1) War on Terrorism/Iraq 2) Military service record. 3) Could Kerry be tough enough?
2008: McCain (R) v. Obama (D) 1. Economy 2. Gas Crunch 3. War in Iraq/Terrorism 4. Female VP/Young minority Pres. 5. McCain assn. with Bush
McCain and Obama
Sec.3: Elimination of Voting Barriers A. Voting=suffrage, franchise=a reserved power 1. A political (not civil) right: not given to all but only those who qualify. 2. Electorate refers to those persons qualified to vote=Roughly 200million 3. 2 Long-term trends have marked development of right to vote in U.S. a) Size of electorate has steadily increased. b) Fed gotten involved in supervising elections.
B. Historical Limitations 1. Property ownership 2. Religion 3. Poll tax 4. Gender 5. Condition of servitude 6. Race 7. Literacy Test 8. Grandfather clause: Kept blacks from voting after 15 th amd. Ruled illegal.
C. Constitutional Guarantees 1.15 th : Race th : Gender th : Poll taxes th : 18 year olds th : Vote for Senators rd : Washington D.C th : Equal Protections Clause