1. Visual Reports Used when information can be presented more effectively through a diagram than a traditional report.
Seven Visual Report Formats Clusters Diagrams Flowcharts Data charts Maps Time lines Cubes/Cubing (Page 329)
Cubing 1. Choose a topic. 2. Examine the topic from each perspective. 3. Draft a paragraph. 4. Share drafts with the class. 5. Revise and edit the paragraphs. 6. Construct the cube.
Things to consider for visual reports Layout Integration of illustration and text Typography
2. All About... Books Provide information about familiar topics Provide directions for familiar activities Dictated or independently written
3. Collaborative or Individual Reports Written to engage students in authentic research Useful in content area study
Collaboration Report Written by groups of children Choose a question Teacher models how to write a section Students work in small groups to gather and organize information for their questions Students write/refine sections Students compile their sections Teacher duplicates/provide copies to students
Individual Reports Follows same procedure as collaborative reports, but are completed individually by students
Formats for Collaborative and Individual Reports Question/Answer Alphabet Book Topic/Subtopics
4. Multigenre Reports Reports in which students write in a variety of genres to explore a topic
Steps in Multigenre Writing Collect a variety of informational materials to study Write several pieces such as essays, letters, poems, journal entries, stories
Collect photos, charts, other visual representations Compile work in poster display or book
5. Teaching Report Writing Choose and narrow a topic Design research questions Gather and organize information Draft, revise, and edit report Publish report
Teach the Inquiry Process Questioning Planning Collecting Synthesizing Evaluating Reporting Research Workshop
Conduct minilessons to teach children how to prepare for the report writing How to make visual reports How to pose research questions How to search for answers
6. Assessing Reports Develop checklist/rubric of pertinent elements to be considered in report Include GPS standards in checklist/rubric Provide checklist/rubric prior to work