safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas NAV 53 – UK Proposals Dover Strait and Adjacent Waters in vicinity of the Foxtrot Harmonisation of the Mandatory Ship Reporting in the Dover Strait with the Vessel Traffic Monitoring Directive Reporting Amendments to the Mandatory Tanker Routeing in the Southern North Sea Consequential amendments to Ships Routeing – Foxtrot UK support for IHO proposal on ECDIS software updates Consequential amendments to Ships; Routeing – due to mandatory ship reporting in Dover Strait (1999)
safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas 1 - Foxtrot 3
safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas 2 - Mandatory Reporting UK and France are collaborating to harmonise the reporting requirements under the Vessel Traffic Monitoring Directive with the existing mandatory reporting requirements for the Dover Strait (CALDOVREP). The intention is to seek a solution whereby the majority of information required to be passed to the UK and French maritime administrations can be met by Automatic Identification System (AIS) transmissions
safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas 3 – Mandatory Tanker Routeing The UK has been asked to co-sponsor a proposal with Germany and Netherlands to amend the application paragraph, in IMO Ships Routeing, of the mandatory routeing requirements for tankers between North Hinder and the German Bight as a consequence of the amendments to MARPOL, Annex II. The 2007 MARPOL amendments contain new category divisions for the carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk, necessitating an update to Ships Routeing.
safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas 4 – Ships Routeing As a consequence of the proposal to ame4nd the Dover Strait and Adjacent Waters in the vicinity of the Foxtrot 3 Station, IMO Ships Routeing will need to be updated in two parts: Part C – Description of the Deepwater Route Part D – Description of the Area to be Avoided around the Foxtrot 3 Station, as a result of the proposed repositioning of the Foxtrot 3 at the geometrical centre of the enlarged precautionary area.
safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas 5 – IHO ECDIS Paper The UK proposal to NAV 53 has two purposes: 1)To support the IHO position on the problem associated with the failure to update ECDIS application software, and 2)To advise the Sub-Committee that the problem of software updates is not limited solely to ECDIS and also affects other navigation and radio communications systems. Therefore UK intend submitting a New Work Item Proposal to MSC 83.
safer lives, safer ships, cleaner seas 6 – Ships Routeing This proposal is simply to alert IMO that Ships Routeing has not been updated as a result of the implementation of mandatory ship reporting in the Dover Strait back in 1999.