Congressional Oversight over Bureaucracy Will Standifer, Drew Thompson, Rachel Stacey, Justyn Cordell
Effective Congressional Oversight Budgetary Review Controls on Personnel
Budgetary Review No agency can spend money without the authorization from Congress. No agency can spend money unless Congress approves an appropriation. By no agency being able to spend without Congressional approval, then Congress has effectively controlled the budget and finance of agencies.
Controls on Personnel No agency may exist without Congressional approval and Congress can eliminate uncooperative agencies. By having the ability to eliminate agencies, then Congress can effectively have control on agency personnel.
Examples of Failed Congressional Oversight INS v Chadha 9/11
INS v Chadha A case involving a dispute between the Immigration & Naturalization Service and Congress. The Supreme Court took away the ability of Congress to veto, which effectively eliminated Congress’s ability to overrule bureaucratic decisions.
9/11 In the attacks of 9/11, Congressional oversight of the federal bureaucracy failed because of misplaced information. Congress also did not put funding in areas that really mattered for national safety /9_11_New_3D_Analysis/ /9_11_New_3D_Analysis/