PASSIVE VOICE. WHAT IS VOICE? All the verbs you have learned thus far have been in the ACTIVE VOICE. In the ACTIVE voice the SUBJECT is doing the action.


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Presentation transcript:


WHAT IS VOICE? All the verbs you have learned thus far have been in the ACTIVE VOICE. In the ACTIVE voice the SUBJECT is doing the action of the verb.

Examples of ACTIVE VOICE The soldier is capturing the enemy. The farmer is selling his cow. The poet is writing a book.

Things to notice The subject is doing something. The verb has an –ing on it. There is a direct object.

PASSIVE VOICE In the PASSIVE voice the SUBJECT has something being done to it.

PASSIVE VOICE EXAMPLES The enemy is being captured by the soldier. The cow is being sold by the farmer. The book is being written by the poet.

Things to notice The subject is NOT doing anything. Something is BEING DONE to the subject. There is NO direct object. There is a prepositional phrase that tells you by whom something is being done to the subject. This prepositional phrase does NOT have to be there

Can you tell the difference??? 1.The money is being stolen 2.The citizens are being warned 3.I will send the message 4.You were giving help 5.They will be ordered to do this 6.It was being received 7.You are falling 8.They were being defended

HELPFUL HINTS Passive verbs often have a form of the verb be in the translation. The forms you will most often see are: be, being, been The verb will often have an –ed or equivalent form. He was being helped

EXCEPTIONS There are occasions when there is no form of be. The leader was killed This is only in the perfect passive and we will learn that next week.

HOW TO FORM THE PASSIVE VOICE laudo laudas laudat laudamus laudatis laudant laudor laudaris laudatur laudamur laudamini laudantur

What is the ONLY thing that is different? THE ENDINGS o s t mus tis nt or ris tur mur mini ntur

What about other tenses and conjugations ?? For the most part in the present, imperfect and future tenses the only difference will be the six endings. We will learn about the exceptions to this later.

Change the following from active to passive and translate the PASSIVE form 1.impedimus 2.mittunt 3.monetis 4.iuvo 5.oppugnabant 6.ducemus 7.caedebas 8.defendit 9.dabunt 1.impedimur 2.mittuntur 3.monemini 4.iuvor 5.oppugnabantur 6.ducemur 7.caedebaris 8.defenditur 9.dabuntur