Ancient Greek and Roman Literature Study Guide for the Test
History Greece civilization began on Crete. Called Minoan after King Minos (minotaur guy!) This era known as the Heroic Age, because of the Heroes of Myths/Homer’s Stories Greeks called themselves Hellenes
History Olympic games created during this time Lyric Poetry – personal instead of heroes Sparta vs Athens Athens creates democratic govt. Drama – profound questions about human suffering, individual free will, moral responsibility, and the limits of knowledge
History Socrates, Plato, Aristotle – Philosophers Peloponnesian War ends Athens rule Aeneid says a Trojan Prince founded Rome. Julius Caesar stabbed to death on March 15 – Beware the Ides of March Rome splits into two Empires (East/West) and slowly declines
Epic Invocation In medias res Epic Similes Stock epithets An extended narrative poem recounting actions, travels, adventures, and heroic episodes and written in a high style Know conventions and characteristics!
The Iliad Literary Focus – Flashback and Foreshadowing Know the 3 Greek Beliefs Characters – Be able to match them to their sides and know how to describe the important ones Be able to answer simple plot questions
Oedipus Rex Literary Focus – Dramatic Irony Be able to define Tragedy, Tragic Flaw, Hubris, and Catharsis Discuss Themes – Fate vs Free Will, Quest for Identity/Truth, Nature of Innocence vs Guilt, or Nature of Moral Responsibility Greek Drama – Know it!