Passing The Mantle 2 Kings 2:7-15
Background Elisha had been named as Elijah’s successorElisha had been named as Elijah’s successor –This was God’s choice (1 Kings 19:16) –He served Elijah from that time –The time came to “pass the mantle” What can we learn from this incident?What can we learn from this incident? –What did this symbolize? –How does this apply to us in the home? –How does it apply in the church?
“Passing The Mantle” Mantle was a symbol of the prophet’s workMantle was a symbol of the prophet’s work –Not given because Elisha lacked one of his own –It was a sign of the prophet’s work –Passing was akin to “passing the baton” This was figurativeThis was figurative –The work passed from Elijah to Elisha –Both the giver and receiver must be faithful –Elisha had proven his dedication (1 Kings 19:21)
The Mantle in The Home Mantle of leadership in the homeMantle of leadership in the home –Husband (father) is the head (Ephesians 5:23) –Leadership done in love (Ephesians 5:25, 28, 29) –Failure to lead is serious (1 Samuel 2:13-17; 3:13) –What kind of job are we doing? –Our sons will imitate us
The Mantle in The Home Mantle of guiding the householdMantle of guiding the household –This mantle is the Mother’s (1 Timothy 5:14; Titus 2:4, 5) –Consider the worthy woman (Proverbs 31:10-31) –Negative affect of women’s liberation movement –Are your daughters (granddaughters) being prepared? –What kind of example is being set before them?
The Mantle in The Church Mantle of leadership of eldersMantle of leadership of elders –In the local church (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:1-4) –Must be obeyed (1Thessalonians 5:12; Hebrews 13:17) Mantle must be passed to others eventuallyMantle must be passed to others eventually –God chose Elijah’s successor (1 Kings 19:16) –Church selects elders (1 Timothy 3:10; Titus 1:5-9) –Many churches have no elders –Are we encouraging our young men to be elders? –Are we encouraging young women to be elder’s wives?
The Mantle in The Church Mantle of service of deaconsMantle of service of deacons –Must meet certain qualifications (1 Timothy 3:10-13) –They must be replaced eventually Mantle of service of teachersMantle of service of teachers –Teachers must be trained (2 Timothy 2:2) –Many excuses: “no time”, “my job”, etc. –Excuses are not acceptable (Luke 14:16-24)
The Mantle in The Church Mantle of service of song leadersMantle of service of song leaders –Commanded to sing (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16) –Leaders are an authorized expedient Mantle of service in other areasMantle of service in other areas –All are to be engaged in good works (Titus 2:11-14) –Become useful vessels of honor (2 Timothy 2:21) –Who replaced Dorcas? (Acts 9:36-42) –Who replaced Epaphroditus? (Philippians 2:25-30) –Who replaced Onesiphorus? (2 Timothy 1:16-18)
Conclusion Elisha made a commitment to serve GodElisha made a commitment to serve God –Said goodbye to his family –Went with Elijah Have we made a commitmentHave we made a commitment –Are we weak and inconsistent? –Are we a strong Christian?