History The Task Force was set up in 2007 to review the image of Y’s Men International and an image consultancy contracted to conduct survey of our members and make recommendations to IHQ.
Review: The Image Task Force reviewed the consultant’s recommendations and formulated the proposals presented here…
Gender equality - Use of Y’s Men. Use of Y’s Men on the IHQ web site header. Difficulties in places without a YMCA. Would like community involvement. Emphasis on Service. Complicated logo. Main concerns from member survey…
Task Force Proposals Changes to Articles require 2/3 vote for by the Council and 2/3 vote for by clubs Changes to Guidelines require 2/3 vote for by the Council
INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION Current names from the constitution ARTICLE I – NAME, MOTTO, HEADQUARTERS AND LEGAL STATUS Section 1 This organisation shall be known as “The International Association of Y’s Men’s Clubs” and its Motto shall be “To acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right”. Section 2 The Headquarters of “The International Association of Y’s Men’s Clubs” shall be at Geneva, Switzerland. Section 3 It is intended and hereby declared that “The International Association of Y’s Men’s Clubs” shall have corporate existence and therefore acquire the status of a person in accordance with Section 60 and other relevant sections of the Swiss Civil Code. Guidelines: 101 The names “Y’s Men International” and “Y Service Clubs International” may also be used. 102 In the event that the International nomenclature has to be translated, YMCA or a symbolic representation or translation thereof shall be used.
INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION Current names from the constitution ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP Section 1 The membership of this Association shall consist of affiliated local clubs known as Y’s Men’s Clubs, Y’s Women’s Clubs, Y’s Men and Women’s Clubs or Y Service Clubs, hereinafter referred to as affiliated clubs. Guidelines: 301 A group of people organised as a unit of this Association shall be called a club. 302 Each club shall be known by at least the name of the city and/or state or country in which it is located, provided that in a community having more than one club each club shall add appropriate identifying matter.
The Task Force proposes a new ‘umbrella’ name to cover all existing name options and a new option for a club name…
Image Task Force If the Task Force recommendations are accepted then the existing four options for club names (Article 3 Section 1) would become five: Y’s Men’s Club Y’s Women’s Club Y’s Men and Women’s Club Y Service Club Y Community Club
It was considered that the emblem is too complicated A simplified version was agreed at the 2012 Council Meeting in line with the proposed new ‘umbrella’ name and gender difficulties
Image Task Force Eliminates the sexist image in English speaking and some other areas Provides a clearer first impression on the web site It should result in a more consistent image if clubs include “Affiliated with Y Clubs International” following their name in PR articles and formal documents Gives a new name option for clubs with a community basis The Task Force believes the advantages of the changes to the wording and image are:
Members, Clubs, Regions and Areas can continue to use their familiar names without change Simplifies the logo while keeping the YMCA association Changes to bulletins, banners, posters can be accommodated as new versions are made Permits utilisation of existing stocks of pins The Task Force believes the advantages of the changes to the wording and image are:
We proposed three motions to the Council be accepted to implement the Image Task Force (ITF) recommendations : To change the guideline to simplify the emblem (passed unanimously by ICM - effective immediately) To create an new umbrella name for the association. To create a new club name emphasising Community.
Image Task Force Changes to Articles require 2/3 vote for by the Council and 2/3 vote for by clubs. So motions to enact have been put to the clubs. 1.- To create an new umbrella name for the association. (passed unanimously by ICM now to go to club ballot) 2.- To create a new club name emphasising Community. (passed unanimously by ICM now to go to club ballot) We will recommend appropriate changes to the Guidelines for electronic voting by ICM in order to make the Guidelines consistent with the changes agreed.
Task Force Members Fred Leonard (USA) Alan Wallington (UK) Colin Lambie (S Pac) Sandy Reynolds (Can/Car) Cristian Arancibia (LAM) Jared Musima (Africa) K.G Varghese (India) Cary Fong (Asia) Takao Nishimura (IHQ) Ex Officio
Image Task Force We wish to emphasise that the proposals will not change the names used by Members, Clubs, Regions or Areas
The International Council and Task Force strongly recommend the clubs to vote in favour of these changes