German military doctors, World War I
Military ambulances with red cross emblem, World War II
Red Cross relief van, July 2006
Misuse of the red cross emblem
Lebanese Red Cross volunteers, August 2006
An ambulance marked with the red crescent shot with tear gas during a protest in east Jerusalem, June 2004 2
The red cross, the red crescent and the red crystal emblems 2
Thank you This presentation must only be used in an educational setting in conjunction with the assembly kit. If you would like to use it for other purposes, please contact us – see contact details below. This assembly kit is part of the humanitarian education programme produced by the British Red Cross. Teachers and other educators are free to use it, copy it and circulate it for their work. Please always include this notice and the contact details below. The red cross emblem assembly kit was researched and written by PJ White and produced in August 2006 and updated in May 2012. For more information contact: Schools and community education British Red Cross 44 Moorfields London EC2Y 9AL This resource and other free educational materials are available at Photo credits Slides 1 and 2 © BRCS; Slides 3 and 5 © Marko Kokic/ICRC; Slide 6 © EPA/Atef Safadi; Slide 7 © Thierry Gasmann/ICRC Registered Charity Number 220949 1