FFA – The Basics AG-BAS 23
Colors National Blue – blue field of the American Flag Corn Gold – golden fields of ripened corn
Salute The Pledge of Allegiance
Motto Learning to Do Doing to Learn Earning to Live Living to Serve
FFA Mission FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Structure Local – chapter at school State – all of the local chapters together National – all of the state and local chapters together National Advisor – Steve Brown
State Staff State Exec Secretary – Ben Lastly State Advisor – Chip Bridges North Region Supervisor – Stan Mitchell Central Region Supervisor – Chris Corzine South Region Supervisor – Lynn Barber
Code of Ethics The way members will conduct themselves at all times in order to be a credit to the organization, chapter, school and community. Examples: Dressing neatly and appropriately for the occasion Refraining from loud, boisterous talk, swearing and other unbecoming conduct
The Emblem
Cross section of an ear of corn Represents unity Corn is grown in every state Foundation crop of American agriculture
Rising Sun Represents progress The promise that tomorrow will bring a new day, glowing with opportunity How ag has developed new technologies and evolved to meet the next generation of consumer demands
Plow Signifies labor and tillage of the soil Historic foundation of our country’s strength and backbone in agriculture.
Eagle Symbolizes freedom Reminds all FFA members of our freedom and the ability to explore new horizons for the future of agriculture.
Owl Represents knowledge and wisdom Knowledge required to be successful in the industry of agriculture
Agricultural Education and FFA In the center of the emblem to signify the combination of learning and leadership necessary for progressive agriculture.
The Creed Written by EM Tiffany in 1928 Adopted as official FFA Creed in 1930 at 3rd national convention 5 paragraphs, all start with “I believe” Is a CDE, required to get Greenhand Degree Yes, you will learn it.
Membership Active – while you are in middle and high school Collegiate – while you are in college Alumni – out of school, join to support local FFA chapter. Don’t have to have been in FFA in school. Honorary – a form of recognition to those who go above and beyond for the chapter.
Degrees Each degree has its own set of requirements Discovery – earned in middle school Greenhand – first degree you can earn in high school Chapter – second degree earned in high school. Both Greenhand and Chapter are given by chapter State – third degree given by the state association at the State FFA Convention American – Final degree to be earned after graduation. Given at National FFA Convention
Official Dress Boys Girls FFA Jacket zipped up Black slacks White collared shirt Official FFA tie Black dress shoes Black socks Girls FFA Jacket zipped up Black skirt: at least knee length OR black slacks White collared shirt Official FFA scarf Black closed toe and heel shoes Black hosiery
Activity Time!