A Short Tour of the TransXChange Schema (TransXChangeSchemaGuide-2.1-v-44)
Top Level TXC Schema Root element Child elements
Key TransXChange Elements The TransXChange element has 12 child elements, which may be further subdivided into four groups: Registration Elements: Operator, Registration, (ShortNoticeRegistration). Service Supply elements: Service, (StandardService, FlexibleService, Line, JourneyPattern), JourneyPatternSection, VehicleJourney. Topographical elements: StopPoint, StopArea, NptgLocality, ServicedOrganisation. Route and Network topology elements: Route, RouteSection, RouteLink. Ancillary elements: SupportingDocument. The OperatingProfile element is also described here.
Registration Elements Operators: Describes the operator(s) of a service.
Operators XML Example
Registration Elements Registrations: A collection of Registration elements, each referencing a Service element.
Registrations XML Example
Services: Definitions of services. Service Supply elements
Services XML Example
Service Supply Elements JourneyPattern Sections: Definitions of Journey Pattern Sections.
JourneyPatternSections Example
Service Supply elements VehicleJourneys: Definitions of Vehicle Journeys used in one or more services.
Service Supply elements VehicleJourneyG roup element
VehicleJourney XML Example
Topographical Elements NptgLocalities: Names of NPTG localities used in local stop definitions in the schedule.
NptgLocalities Example
Topographical Elements StopPoints: Local stop definitions for stops used in services in the schedule. StopAreas: Local StopArea definitions.
StopPoints and StopAreas XML Example
Route Elements Routes: Definitions of transport routes. RouteSections: Definitions of the Route Sections making up all or part of a route.
RouteLinks and Track elements
Routes and RouteSections XML Example
Other Child Elements ServicedOrganisations: Organisations serviced by the schedule, e.g. an LEA, and their working and non- working days. SupportingDocuments: Additional documents describing the service.
Operating Profile The OperatingProfile element specifies on which days a service operates. It can be specified on a VehicleJourney, a JourneyPattern and on a Service.
Operating Profile
OperatingProfile XML Example