Základní škola Smetanova street, Chotěboř This is our school. There are about 500 children and 35 teachers.
The emblem This is an emblem of the school Smetanova. It was made according to an idea of children.
We are fond of sport. We organise a competition of dance every year. Children play floorball, this isour floorball team.
The valley of Doubravka We go for walks to the valley of the river Doubravka, the beautiful place near our town. It was declared a conservation area.
Girl´s war Every year children of our school make a play. This is from the comedy Girl´s war (it´s one of Czech national legend.
Trips We go to the mountains, we like skiing and skateboarding. We also visit castles. There is sometimes an interesting programme for children.
Christmas We celebrate Christmas and organise Christmas fair, so we make gingerbreads and decorations.