About us...
Where are we from? We are from Revúca. Revuca is a town in Banská Bystrica Region, in Slovakia.
The earliest written record of the existence of the town is from1357. Evangelic Classical Lutheran Church Gothic Roman Catholic church of Saint Lawrence There was established the first Slovak grammar school in our town in1862. The emblem of Revúca
Other historic buildings:
Our school We go to the elementary school I.B.Zocha.
You can contact us at:
Žofia Kostičová Žofia Kostičová Žofia Kostičová Žofia Kostičová Kate K bone71421
Petra Lamperová Petra dida6969 Lamperová mainkaa1 petra1423
Tomáš Krjak Tomáš thomas1099 Krjak
Dominika Bobmová Dom Ča domga1999 domga1999
Janka Gordianová Janka jane_166 Gordianová
Karin Karkusová