The Seafarers Bill of Rights – a Union View Mark Dickinson General Secretary ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006
Introduction Background Original objectives Basic structure Innovations Nautilus perspective Implementation Issues Articles/Definitions/Exclusions/Issues for the future Conclusions
Background ILO Review of all instruments 1997> Joint Maritime Commission 2001 Level paying field Safety, Environment & Social Conditions The 4 th pillar of global regulation alongside SOLAS; MARPOL; STCW & now MLC 2006
Original Objectives All-encompassing single instrument Incorporating in so far as possible all relevant standards Easily updateable Drafted in easily understandable language Attractive to ratify to secure widest possible acceptability Easily monitored and enforced in order to establish level playing field
Basic Structure Articles Fundamental principles and rights Employment and social rights Procedural and final clauses New amendment procedure Tripartite Committee Regulations Substantive rights and obligations ( Articles and Regulations establish framework of basic obligations ) Code A and B (details for the implementation of the Regulations: mandatory standards and non-mandatory guidelines that cant be ignored)
Innovations One-stop shop Clear set of principles and rights and employment and social rights for seafarers Simplified amendment procedure Special Tripartite Committee A strong enforcement regime, backed by a certification system for compliance with the Convention No more favourable treatment clause for ships of non-ratifying Members
Nautilus Perspective Tripartism & social partnership Meaningful dialogue & consultation Employment and social rights for non- domiciled seafarers Effective jurisdiction and control over ships Pragmatic & flexible approach
Implementation Issues Flexibility & substantial equivalence Tripartism Definitions (shipowner/seafarer) Exclusions (geographical/sector etc.) Minimum wages for seafarers EU standards (Social Partnership Agreement) One-stop shop not piece meal
Articles Often overlooked – but V Important! Art. I & V – give complete effect Art. II – Definitions seafarer, shipowner etc. Art. III & IV – fundamental rights Art. VI Regulations inc. substantial equivalence Art. VII – Consultation Art. XIII – Special Tripartite Committee
Definitions – Article II 1.(f) seafarer …any person who is employed or engaged or works in any capacity onboard a ship.. 1. (i) ship.. A ship other than one which navigates exclusively in inland waters or waters within, or closely adjacent to sheltered waters…. 1. (j) shipowner …the owner..or other organisation…who has assumed the responsibility… 4. Ships must be ordinarily engaged in commercial activities. Excludes fishing, warships, dhows & junks.
No exclusions? All seafarers covered. ILO MLC Resolution is NOT carte blanche Convention has global reach but excludes certain sheltered waters etc. All sectors included inc. Tugs and Large Yachts No general exclusion by size of ship. All covered but may need to be over a specific size for some purposes – e.g. 500gt for DMLC Crew Accommodation – existing ships excluded
Future amendments? Equality issues – maternity/paternity; harassment & bullying; attracting more women into the industry Fair treatment of seafarers – criminalisation Permanent employment Study leave Trainee accommodation Compensatory leave Action on fatigue (hours of work/rest; manning levels) Piracy Welfare; Health
Conclusions MLC 2006 hugely significant Objectives achieved Level playing field/EU key Flexibility within reason Only justifiable exclusions Full involvement of social partners One-stop shop approach Decent Work for Seafarers > continual improvement required