137 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Chapter 9 Gender, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexism
138 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Gender, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression o The Social Construction of Gender o The Complexity of Gender, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression EP: a 2.1.3a 2.1.7a 2.1.3a 2.1.7b d 2.1.7b d
139 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Traditional Gender-Role Stereotypes o Childhood o Adolescence o Adulthood o Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Gender- Role Development EP: b 2.1.4b 2.1.7a 2.1.2a 2.1.4c 2.1.7a 2.1.2a 2.1.4c 2.1.7b 2.1.4a 2.1.7b 2.1.4a
140 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Male/Female Differences o Ability Level o The Special Issues and Needs of Men o Communication Styles EP: b 2.1.4b 2.1.7a 2.1.2a 2.1.4c 2.1.7a 2.1.2a 2.1.4c 2.1.7b 2.1.4a 2.1.7b 2.1.4a
141 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing People as Individuals Significant Issues and Events in the Lives of Women Economic Inequality EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.5a 2.1.7a 2.1.5a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
142 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Sexual Harassment o The Definition of Sexual Harassment o Strengthening the Definition: A Macro- System Response o The Extent of Sexual Harassment o Effects of Sexual Harassment o Confronting Sexual Harassment EP: a 2.1.5c 2.1.7a 2.1.8a j 2.1.7a 2.1.8a j 2.1.7b 2.1.4a 2.1.7b 2.1.4a
143 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Sexist Language o Using Nonsexist Language EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.1b 2.1.7a 2.1.1b 2.1.7b 2.1.3c 2.1.7b 2.1.3c
144 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Rape and Sexual Assault o Incidence of Rape Cultural Differences in the Incidence of Violence Against Women o Theoretical Views of Rape Victim-Precipitated Rape Rapist Psychpathology The Feminist Perspective on Rape EP: c 2.1.7a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
145 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o Common Myths About Rape o Profile of a Rapist o Suggestions for Rape Prevention o Date Rape o Survivors’ Reactions to Rape EP: c 2.1.7a i 2.1.7a i 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
146 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o Suggestions for Counseling Rape Survivors: Keys to Empowerment Emotional Issues Reporting to the Police Medical Status of the Victim EP: e 2.1.7a g 2.1.7a g 2.1.7b j 2.1.7b j
147 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Battered Women o The Abusive Perpetrator o The Battering Cycle o Why Does She Stay? Economic Dependence Lack of Self-Confidence Lack of Power Fear of the Abuser Guilt Feeling Isolated with Nowhere to Go Love EP: a 2.1.7a 2.1.7b 2.1.7b
148 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing o Battering in Gay and Lesbian Relationships o Community Responses to Empower Battered Women: Their Alternatives The Police, Social Policy, and Battered Women Shelters for Battered Women EP: k 2.1.7a 2.1.5b 2.1.7a 2.1.5b 2.1.7b 2.1.8a 2.1.7b 2.1.8a
149 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Counseling Strategies for Empowerment The Initial Interview Offer Support Encourage Expression of Feelings Focus on Strengths Furnish Information Review Alternatives EP: b j 2.1.7a e 2.1.7a e 2.1.7b g 2.1.7b g
150 ©2013, Cengage Learning, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Establish a Plan Advocate Working with and Empowering Women EP: b j l 2.1.7a e k 2.1.7a e k 2.1.7b g 2.1.7b g