PSHE education and working with schools Lucy Marcovitch Education consultant and writer
What is PSHE education? Personal, social, health and economic education (aka: PHSE, PSHCE, PSE, PSHE…) ‘a planned programme of learning opportunities and experiences that help children and young people grow and develop as individuals and as members of families and of social and economic communities’ (PSHE Strategic Partners) ‘equips children and young people with knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive, fulfilled, capable and responsible lives.’ (National Curriculum) Also makes a significant contribution to personal development, but is not synonymous with it.
Provision in schools Non-statutory programmes of study within the National Curriculum for England: Personal, social, health and economic KS3&4 Personal, social and health education and KS1&2 Provided using: discrete, timetabled teaching time drop-down/off-timetable days specialist providers non-specialists Can also include: links to other subject areas learning opportunities across the curriculum specific projects learning beyond the curriculum
What is in the Programmes of study? KS1&2 Four strands encompassing identity, citizenship, health and wellbeing and relationships breadth of opportunities KS3&4 Two programmes of study: Economic wellbeing and financial capability; Personal wellbeing Key concepts encompassing health, relationships, personal identity and sex education (PWB); career, risk, economic understanding (EWBFC) Key processes including managing risk, self-reflection, developing relationships (PWB); enterprise and financial capability (EWBFC) Range and content
10 principles of good PSHE 1. Start where they are 2. Spiral programme 3. Link to whole school issues 4. Variety of learning and teaching styles 5. Reflect and transfer 6. Real decisions 7. Positive approach 8. Realistic and relevant information 9. Safe and supportive learning environment 10. Embed PSHE Association
A few things to bear in mind Ofsted: new framework and subject criteria from January Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) understanding NC review: as yet unpublished first teaching September 2014 likely emphasis on what children and young people should know (core knowledge and outcomes) Subject status and perception
Linking my resources to PSHE education Work in small groups and prepare a PSHE lesson using your collections, making links to the PoS (choose a key stage/phase). Consider: focus/outcome in relation to the PoS links to other subject areas/topic learning any PD or SMSC issues to consider? 10 principles
Concept Cartoons
Any questions? PSHE Association