Physical Harassment Emotional Harassment Sexual Harassment
Safety and School Law It is the legal obligation of the classroom teacher and all educators to immediately and effectively intervene in all harassment and bullying incidents. Safety, both emotionally and physically is the first priority for a school learning environment.
What is Emotional Harassment? What is Physical Harassment? Emotional Harassment: Verbal Abuse Put Down of Another Person Hurtful Gossip Cyber Harassment Physical Harassment: Push/Shove, Throwing object at person, assault, threat to harm
What is Sexual Harassment? 1 st Degree Sexual Harassment Physical contact that is not appropriate and beyond a professional handshake or pat on shoulder in friendship.
What is Sexual Harassment? 2 nd Degree Sexual Harassment Verbal Explicit Sexual Discussions or Requests
What is Sexual Harassment? 3 rd Degree Sexual Harassment Others nearby are subject to 3 rd Degree Sexual Harassment when they hear or see Sexual Harassment (either 1 st or 2 nd Degree).
Action Plan for Harassment Immediate and Effective Action for Class and Individual Safety Separation (Mr. Bailey or administrator) Contact administrator (Ms. O’Brien) and parents Set up plan to prevent reoccurance