Write up to 3 things that you can do to improve your performance in History assessments… … & up to 3 things that I can do to help you learn more effectively. (This could be e.g. the type of tasks / work we do in lessons, the homework that I set you, etc.)
N E S W ever ver upport atford Communist Capitalist Germany Berlin Korea Vietnam
Never ever write in bullets apart from 4 mark questions (& if you are running out of time)…
The Vietnam War 1961/2/3/4/
The Vietnam war was another example of the US policy of CONTAINMENT. The US fought with anti-Communists in South Vietnam to defeat the Communists under Ho Chi Minh in North Vietnam. Ultimately the US were unsuccessful and left Vietnam in Two years later, in 1975, the Communists had control of all of Vietnam.
Some facts… 2 million Vietnamese killed (pop 40m in 1960) 60,000 US soldiers killed More bombs dropped on N. Vietnam by US than on Japan & Germany in all of World War 2! 2/3 of US soldiers were volunteers; 1/3 were conscripted Av. age of a US soldier was 22 (in WW2 it was 26) 86% of US soldiers killed were white; 12.5% were black