Energy Converting Organelles Life’s Inner Community Chloroplast Mitochondrion
Inner membrane Intermembrane compartment matrix cristae Life’s Inner Community Outer membrane Energy Converting Organelles Folds of the inner membrane increase its surface area enhancing the organelles ability to produce ATP. Fluid filled space where the chemical reactions of cellular respiration occur. Fluid filled space where either + or - ions accumulate forming a chemiosmotic gradient that drives chemical reactions. This membrane is embedded with the enzymatic proteins that make ATP as ions travel along an chemiosmotic gradient created by this barrier.
Life’s Inner Community Energy Converting Organelles High H + conc. matrix Low H + conc. ATP Chemiosmotic Gradient Intermembrane compartment Inner membrane ATP synthase
1 Outer membrane 2 Inner membrane 3 4 Intermembrane compartment 5 matrix cristae
Because mitochondrion have their own DNA and ribosomes and can self-replicate, some cell biologists have hypothesized that they were once a free- living protokaryotes (bacteria) and have since become endosymbionts.
Fact: eukaryotes inherit their mitochondria from one parent. Humans inherit mitochondria from their mother.
Energy Converting Organelles Life’s Inner Community Chloroplasts are the are the photosynthesizing organelles found in plants and protists. Chloroplasts Most of the living world runs on the chemical energy provided by photosynthesis. Gk: chlor ~ green, plast ~ formed, molded
Energy Converting Organelles Life’s Inner Community Outer membrane Inner membrane Stroma Thylakoid Channel Granum Chloroplast
Energy Converting Organelles Life’s Inner Community Outer membrane Inner membrane Stroma Thylakoid Channel Granum Chloroplast Outer membrane act to compartmentalize the complex biochemistry of photosynthesis and to help create chemiosmotic gradients that will be used to provide the “motive” force for some reactions. Inner membrane works together with the membrane at helping compartmentalize the stroma and form chemiosmotic gradients. Stroma is a thick fluid where sugars are made from CO 2. Suspended in the stroma is an elaborate network of disklike membranous sacs called thylakoids. Gk: thylak ~ sac, pouch Thylakoid membranes contain the chlorophyll molecules that capture light energy from the sun and converts it into chemical energy. Granum are stack of thylakoids.
Energy Converting Organelles Life’s Inner Community Because Chloroplasts have their own DNA and ribosomes and can self- replicate, some cell biologists have hypothesized that they were once a free- living protokaryotes (bacteria) and have since become endosymbionts. Chloroplasts
Energy Converting Organelles Life’s Inner Community Plastid Starch Globules Plastids are double membranes storage organelles found in plants. Chloroplasts are plastids. Plastids can store pigments, starch and lipids as well as thylakoids. Starch globules created by connecting sugars made via photosynthesis. Starch is the primary raw material that phototrophs use to construct cell walls. Starch globules created by connecting sugars made via photosynthesis. Starch is the primary raw material that phototrophs use to construct cell walls.
Cell Wall Plastids Plasma Membrane Mitochondria Go to Part 1