Make Time for English! Simple Suggestions for how to Make English a Part of your Daily Life.


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Presentation transcript:

Make Time for English! Simple Suggestions for how to Make English a Part of your Daily Life

Heather McNaught Full-time lecturer, Feng Chia University Language Center BA & MA Applied Linguistics Freshman English, Pronunciation, Oral Communication, Conversation, Interpretation, Spanish I & II

Nothing New Here INSPIRE

Teacher and Student Share my experience as a teacher and student. 3 suggestions for making English part of your daily routine Questions AND Comments Share your experience with us.

Top Five Reasons Students Don’t Learn English Well 1.I am too busy. I don’t have time. 2.English grammar is too complicated. 3.There are too many vocabulary words. 4.English is too boring. 5.I hate English.

The Biggest Misconception about Learning a Language “I need to spend three or four hours a day studying in order to make any progress in a language.”

A Little Math 15 min./day X 6 days/wk. = 1.5 hrs./week X 52 weeks = If you study 20 minutes per day, six days a week, in one year that’s 104 hours of English!!! 1.5 hrs 78 Hours!!

Where does the time come from? waiting for class to start waiting for your friend waiting for the bus, elevator, red light… going to school eating a meal before bed taking a shower

Do something you LIKE in English!!! Listen to music. Watch a movie or TV show. Read something you’re interested in. Surf the internet. Play a video game.

1. MP3 longer listening to improvelonger listening comprehension. shorter dialogs to practice fluency and pronunciation. Also, increase confidence.shorter dialogs songs

2. Flashcards Chinese on one side, English on the other. Words can come from many sources. Carry the cards with you ALL THE TIME. Delete words you know well and add new words. front back dog 狗

3. Read, Read, Read Pick something you are interested in. Not too easy, not too difficult. FCU library has simplified readers Over 2,500 Books

In Conclusion… English doesn’t have to be a boring, dead thing. Make use of your “spare time” to improve your English. Make the EZ Café part of your weekly schedule. Tutorial Hour, Weds. Activities, Thurs. Movie Nights, Short-term Classes, Self-Study Center

Thanks for your attention! Time for Q & A & C & S Questions Answers Comments Suggestions

※生活英文推薦書※ 常春藤生活英語通 套書內容 【內含 6 書 +12CD 】 新聞英語通、書信英語通 、笑話英語通、塑身英語 通、萬物英語通、格言英 語通

※生活英文推薦書※ 這句英語怎麼說 網路熱問排行榜、生活熱問排 行榜、職場熱問排行榜;生活 熱問排行榜, 7 大單元含熱門 必備句 TOP20 、生活大小事 Daily Life 、旅遊英語 Travel 、 消費娛樂 Leisure Time 、打招 呼用語 Greetings 、表達感受 Expressing Yourself 、表達情 緒 Feelings

敦煌書局外文書籍網 Copyright © Heather McNaught ( 逢甲大學語言中心專任講師 ) All rights reserved. 版權所有 禁止擅自轉貼節錄 看更多書籍資訊,歡迎上敦煌書局網站 此份資料歡迎轉寄 下載其他文件 >