The CONFORM project Roger Barlow BASROC launch 3 rd May 2007
Accelerator Technology Accelerators are everywhere. Many different uses. Many different communities. NS-FFAG advantages Cheap, simple DC magnets. Compact design High repetition rate and duty cycle Rapid acceleration High acceptance Permanent magnets (?) Continuous operation (?) ‘Cyclotron currents at Synchrotron energies’
Just one thing No-one knows whether it works Can resonances be controlled/avoided?
CONFORM Construction of a Nonscaling FFAG for Oncology, Research and Medicine Build EMMA: 20 MeV electron prototype to demonstrate principle Design PAMELA: clinical machine for hadron therapy Investigate other applications
The Bid Bid to Basic Technology fund Successful and fully funded £ 6.9M awarded £ 5.5M to build EMMA Posts to design PAMELA Posts to identify and develop applications Administrator Start 1 st April (?)2007 for 3½ years
EMMA Design already complete last year Since then: magnets realigned, magnet shims added, fewer RF cavities Magnet prototypes now ordered (almost?) Injection and extraction seem possible
EMMA Team in place Strong co-operation from Daresbury Regular meetings run by Rob and Neil Design still changing Hard to establish baseline Reliance on outside expertise Will it work?
PAMELA Long wish-list Builders and users (medical community) in discussions about how to achieve all of these Prove proton NSFFAG works Provide ~40 MeV protons for cell studies Provide ~300 MeV protons for therapy Provide ~40 MeV/N He and C for cell studies Provide ~450 MeV/N He and C for therapy
PAMELA Multi-stage design (2+1 rings, or ovals) Injector and injection energy not clear: 18 MeV Cyclotron off the shelf – but only for protons 4 MeV RFQ neater – but harder p (MeV/c) E (MeV)
Applications Identified Hadron Therapy: parameters for PAMELA Cell irradiation studies Muon sources Neutron sources Neutrino factory ADSR thorium reactors Others? }}}} Surrey Leeds RAL Manchester
3 years time Working machine Full design for PAMELA that we can take to MRC/NHS Portfolio of other NS-FFAG designs for different communities of accelerator users