T.Takahashi Hiroshima γγ state of the art and research plan, what system tests can be done at ATF2, ESA T.Takahashi Hiroshima Univ. March GDE BDS/ACFA MDI at Sendai
T.Takahashi Hiroshima Photon Collider issues
T.Takahashi Hiroshima Photon Collider issues in a sense matter of resources do it now! but less expensive too soon to be discussed most unknown need demostration
T.Takahashi Hiroshima Laser for Photon Colliders at e- conversion point have to meet requirement of; –5J~10J/pulse, 1-3ps pulse duration ~2TW pleak power –337ns separation 3000bunches/train –5Hz ~70kW average power –O(10 m) focusing –timing ~1ps too costly to be built by single laser
T.Takahashi Hiroshima Ideas to reduce laser power RING (Recirculation Injection by Nonlinear Gating) Cavity (Gronberg LEI2007) Pulse Stacking Cavity transmit 1 , reflect 2 Recirculation of a laser pulse to reduce average laser power Stack laser pulses on phase to reduce peak as well as average power Klemiz, Monig
RING cavity at LLNL T.Takahashi Hiroshima Integrated energy is 28.5 times that of a single pulse I. Jovanovic,et.al
The RING system has been demonstrated and published, joule-scale demo next year T.Takahashi Hiroshima Gronberg LEI2007
Pulse Stacking Cavity R&D for Positron source KEK-LAL-Hiroshima-Waseda-Kyoto-IHEP KEKLAL type2 mirrors FP4 mirrors ring enhancement Laser spot size 30 m15 m Feed backAnalog PIDdigital e- at ATF, to get experiences with e- beam stand alone (new w/ e- beam being designed. to be at ATF 2009)
preliminary result from KEK-ATF T.Takahashi Hiroshima relative position between e and laser pulse ADC counts Enhansement of ~ 250 achived (consistent w/ mirror reflectivity) to get stable high intensity s next step
Issues and Status T.Takahashi Hiroshima itemsPulse Stacking CavityRING Cavity Performance~300 enhancement of pulse energy ~recirculation of a pulse ~50 times Laser requirements pulses separated by 369ns 5 Joule / 300 = J/pulse 5 Hz duty cycle 2820 / 50 pulses separated by 369 * 50 ns 5J/ pulse 5 Hz duty cycle Technical issuesunprecedented for 100m long cavity tight motion tolerances for interferometric stabilization quiet environment sophisticated feed back adoptive optics ? unprecedented for 100m long cavity No tight motion tolerances for interferometric stabilization pulse deterioration during cirulation R&D status PosiPol, x/ sources not for system yet X ray source project at LLNL not for system yet
T.Takahashi Hiroshima Possible plan at ATF 1.Cavities for Compton based pol. e+ projects –Fabry-Perot type spherical mirrorFabry-Perot type spherical mirror –Fabry-Perot type off-axis parabolic mirrorFabry-Perot type off-axis parabolic mirror 2.Going to large scale –CW laser –independent mirror control 3.1-2m scale ( with ATF bunch) –pulse laser (low energy) –independent mirror control 4.Cavity w/ high power laser at ATF2-IP –not possible at ATF-DR as high power laser is destructive target 42cm 1~2m ATF-DR Lab ->ATF-DR if possible ATF2
T.Takahashi Hiroshima ATF-Layout Lasers ATF2 beamline ATF-DR
T.Takahashi Hiroshima Ring cavity at ATF-DR -after we learn a lot from PosiPol cavities- 1m 50mr circumference 4.62m (15.4ns) ー >64.9MHz For 154ns spacing: 1/10 scale (15.4ns) Lasers 10W mode locked,,,154nJ/pulse ->15.4 J/pulse w/ 100 pulse stacking 2400 /xing very similar to PosiPol experiment A laser pulse hits once in 10 turns
T.Takahashi Hiroshima Ring cavity+High power at ATF2-IP 1m 50mr 64.9MHz ×50mJ=3.245kW Cavity can be the same as ATF- DR but the laser is not Average power = 50mJ×20×repetition = as low as 1W (or less) we want 50mJ/pulse for the laser (5J/pulse in cavity) Continuous pumping (64.9MHz)of the cavity is not wise: just for 20 bunches (for a train) Peak laser pumping power = need mini-Mercury amplifier?
What we can do at ESA? T.Takahashi Hiroshima ESAATF/ATF2 e beamup to 50 GeV1.3 GeV up to 12Hz single bunch A few Hz 154 ns x 30 bunches jitters?very stable sub ps s 10 GeV10MeV falicitylarge enough for 100 sale cavity? No enoun space for large cavity regulation for the radiation safe comment 10GeV facility attractive?10MeV facility for pol e+ etc? physics w/ intense field
summary T.Takahashi Hiroshima
Summary Two Ideas of cavities to reduce laser power –RING technically easier but moderate power reduction R&D at LLNL for x ray sources –Pulse Stacking reduce both peak and average power ~(100) but very challenging R&D for PosiPol at KEK-ATF Laser technology continues to improve without our involvement but need an effort to meet design for cavities still high power mode locked laser for stacking cavity? ray faclity at ATF2 and/or ESA possible? T.Takahashi Hiroshima Still much to learn from other field but 100m long cavity is completely different world need to setup dedicated R&D toward the large scale cavity and ray generation