PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen OCEAN FACILITIES EXCHANGE GROUP update on a bottom-up approach of research fleet co-ordination & harmonisation Report to ERVO 2007 Marieke J. Rietveld, NIOZ, The Netherlands
PoseidonLe Suroit Pelagia Jan Mayen Main objective: exchange of shiptime and exchange of major equipment based on ‘bartering’; joint cruises Exchange based on value points according to scientific capacity as agreed between members Members as per November 2006: Ifremer (France), BMBF (Germany), NIOZ (Netherlands), IMR-UoB (Norway), CSIC (Spain), NERC (UK) OFEG
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen Status 2006
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen
PoseidonLe Suroit G.O.Sars S armiento de Gamboa The 2007 OFEG fleet Hesperides Garcia del Cid Jan Mayen Johan Hjort Le Suroit Polarstern*)*) only joint cruises
L'ATALANTEFrance LE SUROITFrance POURQUOI PAS?*France THALASSAFrance / Spain ALKORGermany HEINCKEGermany MARIA S. MERIAN*Germany METEORGermany POLARSTERN # Germany POSEIDONGermany SONNEGermany PELAGIA Netherlands G.O. SARS* Norway JAN MAYEN Norway JOHAN HJORT Norway GARCIA DEL CID Spain HESPERIDES Spain SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA* Spain DISCOVERY UK JAMES CLARK ROSS UK JAMES COOK* UK Present OFEG fleet OFEG fleet - 10 Global Class - 90% of European GC Fleet 21 RVs - 8 Ocean Class - 53% of European OC Fleet 6 countries - 3 Regional Class - 15% of European RC Fleet # only joint cruises * newly built < 4 years old # only joint cruises
OFEG announcement of opportunity 2007/2009 issued May 2007 Encourage science community to take advantage of the geographic positioning of OFEG ships PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen Deployment of OFEG Research Ships in 2007 – 2009 It is anticipated that the twentyone European research ships of the Ocean Facilities Exchange Group (OFEG), which provides ship-time and equipment exchanges for UK, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Norwegian scientists under the Tripartite Agreement, will be operating in the following regions in : Dutch research ship PELAGIA: Sub-tropical to sub-polar North Atlantic (E), North seas and also (2008 – 2009): Mediterranean sea & Indian Ocean (N & W)) French research ships L'ATALANTE: North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea (end 2008: mid-life refit), 2009 open POURQUOI PAS?: North Atlantic (W & E), Mediterranean Sea (technical refit mid 2008) THALASSA 2008: North Atlantic (E) LE SUROIT 2008: North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea German research ships ALKOR: Baltic & North seas HEINCKE: North & Baltic seas MERIAN: North Atlantic (N & E), Nordic & Mediterranean seas METEOR: Mediterranean & Black seas, Indian Ocean or South Atlantic POSEIDON: subtropical to subpolar North Atlantic (E), Mediterranean, North & Baltic seas SONNE: Indonesian region Norwegian research ships JAN MAYEN: G.O. SARS: JOHAN HJORT: HAKON MOSBY: Spanish research ships HESPERIDES: Arctic, North & South Atlantic, Southern Ocean SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA: North Atlantic (E) GARCIA DEL CID: Mediterranean (W) UK research ships DISCOVERY: subtropical to subpolar North Atlantic (E) JAMES COOK: North Atlantic (E&W), Pacific Ocean (E), South Atlantic (2008: Indian Ocean (SW), Southern Ocean) JAMES CLARK ROSS: Arctic, North & South Atlantic, Southern Ocean
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen OFEG and OFWG: OFEG is preparing a statement towards ESF and EC: European research fleet has the appropriate capacity Global and Ocean Class fleet is state of the art, as is the heavy equipment Regional Class fleet is ageing – necessary that national authorities and the EC take steps OFEG partners are the owners of all Global Class, > 50% of the Ocean Class ships, and all heavy equipment OFEG will act as a forum for Global and Ocean Class fleet OFEG will investigate ways of investment co- ordination and costs saving
Evolution of OFEG fleet without any* replacements *RRS DISCOVERY replacement included Poseidon Sonne Le Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen Polarstern l’Atalante Meteor JCR basis: average lifespan 30 years
OFEG celebrating naming RRS James Cook 6 February 2007 Her Royal Highness Prinsess Ann under the approving eye of Prinsess Ann
JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen OFEG will develop a new website: OFEG booklet Equipment pages Ships’ schedules Vessel specs Workshops
Poseidon JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen Virtual Pool of Major exchangeable Equipment Proposed format WEB pages Web address:
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen Planned Workshops: RAPID Moorings – best practices, preventing losses, create “melting pot” of expertise Heavy Seismics – exchange of equipment, spares and technicians OFEG-Tech– First to start October 2007 Bergen, Norway Build a network of OFEG Marine Techs Exchange of skills and information Common equipment development strategies
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen On 23 April an OFEG delegation had a first meeting with the European Commission in Brussels to discuss the possibility of EU funding for interoperability issues and trans-national operational teams. Future issues Next OFEG meeting: 8-9 November 2007, Paris
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen
PoseidonLe Suroit JHjort Pelagia Jan Mayen