The EISCAT_3D Science Case: Current Status Ian McCrea STFC RAL
Preparatory Phase WP3: Science Case Work Package Engaging with potential new users Holding targeted workshops Gathering requirements for new science Revising/developing the science case Feeding science demands back to radar design Issuing periodic versions of science case, consistent with the PSD
The Science Working Group Convenors: Anita Aikio, Ian McCrea 5-10 members at any time Mix of existing and new EISCAT users Membership rotates annually Cover a wide range of science topics Atmospheric science, space weather, modelling... Two meetings with each committee, exchanges in between
Timetable of Activities Current WG members: Mark Clilverd, Markus Rapp, Yasonobu Ogawa, Kjellmar Oksavik, Asta Pellinen-Wannberg. First Meeting: FMI Helsinki 14/1/2011 (also Kirsti Kauristie and Pekka Verronen) Second Meeting: Uppsala 17/5/2011 (also Stephan Buchert and Thomas Leyser) First version of the science case due in Month 9 (July) Next roll of WG: Space Weather and Modelling Annual reports each year Final version of case in month 48
Key Capabilities The most sophisticated research radar ever! Five key capabilities: Volumetric imaging and tracking Aperture Synthesis imaging Multistatic, multi-beam configuration Greatly improved sensitivity Transmitter flexibility These abilities never before combined in a single radar
Volumetric Imaging Image a broad three-dimensional field-of-view Quasi-simultaneous horizontal structure (as well as vertical) Rapid scanning or post beam-forming
Aperture Synthesis Imaging Imaging concept already developed by UiT on the ESR system Extended to a modular array for EISCAT_3D type array and demonstrated at Jicamarca
Multi-static, Multi-beam... ”Adjusted Double Mercedes” N-S drift in E-region E-W drift in F-region
Improved Flexibility and Sensitivity Large, fully digital aperture Very flexible transmitter State-of-the-art digital processing
Flexible Experiments Continuous, unattended operations Multiple, interleaved experiments Intelligent scheduling –
Structure of the Science Case Executive Summary Introduction to EISCAT_3D The Science Case: – Atmospheric physics and global change – Space and plasma physics – Solar system science – Space weather and service applications – Radar techniques, coding and analysis
Atmospheric Section Background Dynamical coupling in the atmosphere Solar-terrestrial effects on atmospheric chemistry Dynamical and chemical coupling in the mesosphere Atmospheric turbulence in the stratosphere and troposphere Short and long-term change in the upper atmosphere
Space Weather and Service Applications: Topics Covered Space debris monitoring Effects of thermospheric density changes Ionospheric monitoring for communications, GPS TEC, scintillations Data assimilation for improvements in modelling Support for geospace science missions (e.g. SWARM)
Space Weather and Service Applications: Key Issues Validation of space debris models Data assimilation into propagation and TEC models Potential for improvements in forecast capabilities Real-time predictions and status reports, community needs? Using flexible observation philosophy forspace weather products
Multi-purpose codes Optimise duty cycle, number of beams Aperiodic codes Arbitrary phase transmission Amplitude control Lag profile inversion Optimise DSP and computing Radar techniques, coding and analysis: Topics covered
Radar techniques, coding and analysis: Planned Activities “Handbook” to develop full theory of measurement principles for phased arrays Use of LOFAR as an open technology platform Development of intelligent scheduling, decision-making Data handling techniques for very large data sets Contribute to e-infrastructure development for the space weather community
Hand over to Anita......