PWM UNIT 17 로봇 SW 교육원 조용수
학습 목표 PWM PWM Register 2
PWM Pulse Width Modulation 진폭이 일정한 상태에서 펄스 폭을 증 / 감 하여 신호 를 변화시키는 방법 디지털 출력으로 아날로그 회로를 제어할 수 있음. Duty Cycle : High Level 과 Low Level 간의 비율 3
4 N051 PWM Four PWM Generators, each generator supports One 8-bit prescaler One clock divider ( 1, ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16) Two PWM-timers for two outputs, each timer includes A 16-bit PWM down-counter A 16-bit PWM reload value register (CNR) A 16-bit PWM compare register (CMR) One dead-zone generator Two PWM outputs. 8 PWM channels or 4 PWM paired channels. 16 bits resolution. Support edge and center aligned modes Single-shot or Continuous mode PWM.
PWM/Capture Clock Source 5
6 PWM Edge Align Mode Duty ratio = (CMR+1) / (CNR+1) Duty = (CMR+1) x (clock period) Period = (CNR+1) x (clock period)
7 PWM Double Buffering Illustration New period (CNR) New duty (CMR) S/W write new period (CNR) And new duty (CMR) First cycle Second cycle
8 Operation of Dead Zone Generator Why need the dead zone control? –To avoid a paired-PWM outputs overlapping on duty-on dur ation. –For example, in Motor Driver application, it needs to avoid t he upper and lower power switch turn on simultaneously. Insert a delay time (dead zone) before duty on at each channel of paired-PWM. 8-bit dead-zone timer from PWM clock.
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