Observational Platforms Vito Vitale, Lars-Otto Reiersen, Jan René Larsen SAON Board Meeting, 29 April 2013, Vancouver, Canada,


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Presentation transcript:

Observational Platforms Vito Vitale, Lars-Otto Reiersen, Jan René Larsen SAON Board Meeting, 29 April 2013, Vancouver, Canada,

Observational Platforms  Needed to collect the requested data/variables for research and monitoring of the Arctic system components: atmosphere, terrestrial-, freshwater- and marine- ecosystems, cryosphere, humans (health, economy, social aspects)  Covers a wide range of infrastructures: satellites, fixed stations on land and at sea, ship- and flight-cruises, drones, drifting and fixed buoys, health care stations, etc.  Must measure very different data/variables: physical, chemical, biological, human health, social and economic

SAON and observational platforms SAON was established to secure the existing observation platforms and to improve the situation where needed. Historically, most land-based platforms have been operated and financed by the countries. Ships have been financed by the owners. Exception has been for some satellites where some countries have contributed to the launch of joint satellites/sensors, e.g. ESA (European Space Agency).

Status Present Arctic Observing sites not adequately cover the Arctic region. Moreover, observing data are often fragmentary and not easily available. Some of the gaps (current and future) in Arctic observing were identified during the initial SAON development workshops.

Status National owned platforms will most probably continue to be the core arrangement of observational platforms – especially health, social and economic areas. Over the last twenty years observation platforms have been closed down, and observations of variables have been terminated affecting trend observational work.

The need Develop an optimization plan/strategy for the Arctic observing system (coherent with modeling needs) A process to clarify what is the probable development (survival) regarding observation platforms in the North for the next decade or two An analysis on how to influence national plans, priorities and decisions regarding securing/improving research and observation platforms. Improve options and strategies that could be applied to achieve an extended use of joint funding of platforms – preparing for more long term joint funded international platforms. This may involve several countries, private funding and foundations.

Develop an optimal Observation Sys. to be completed with other examples of plans developed at the level of organizations, countries, research groups

Develop an optimal Observation Sys. white papers presented at AOS 2013 A prototype of a modelling system assisting the design of the Arctic Observing network A Model-inspired Sampling Network Design and Representativeness Metholodoly for the Arctic Observing system Simulation Experiment: Justifying new Arctic Observation Capabilities

Related initatives At a disciplinary level INTERACT: An EU funded network of terrestrial stations IASOA: mainly devoted to harmonize methodologies and standard At a multi-disciplinary level SIOS: Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System in a limited region aiming to design and implement an optimal system to answer several key ESS questions

Proposed actions The SAON Secretariat in cooperation with National Coordination Committees and data users and providers, could prepare a first simple overview of some existing observing platforms and their financial situations and “life expectancy” An analyzes of this could set the stage for further work to achieve more secured/joint funding of some of the observation platforms. This could include accessibility for foreign scientists. If there is an interest for joint funding, a more detailed planning is needed.