Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Health and safety leadership - guidance and support for small businesses Sarah Jones HSE
The importance of small businesses 2008 Population Workplaces with: <10 employees employees 50 – 249 employees >250 Employees Dumfries & Galloway 148, Scotland 5,193, ,786 26, Great Britain 60,003,500 2,078, ,058 69,286 15,973
The Health and Safety of Great Britain \\ Be part of the solution Our goal \\ To adapt and customise approaches to help the increasing numbers of SMEs in different sectors comply with their health and safety obligations. Our goal \\ To encourage strong leadership in championing the importance of, and a common-sense approach to, health and safety in the workplace. Our goal \\ To motivate focus on the core aims of health and safety and, by doing so, to help risk makers and managers distinguish between real health and safety issues and trivial or ill-informed criticism.
Why health and safety leadership? Reported workplace injuries 2009/10(p)Dumfries and Galloway ScotlandGreat Britain Fatal and major injuries to employees 892,56726,172 Over-three-day injuries to employees 2767,99295,369 Total injuries to employees 36510,559121,541 Total injuries to employees: Rate per 100,000 employees
Why health and safety leadership? Self-reported work-related ill health 2009/10: estimated number of cases Dumfries and Galloway ScotlandGreat Britain Prevalence – limited to people who worked in the last 12 months 2,27097,0001,266,000 Incidence (new cases in last 12 months) 1,00643,000555,000
The financial cost The estimated economic cost of health and safety ill health incidents in Dumfries and Galloway is between £20.3 million and £31.0 million. The estimated cost for accidents in Dumfries and Galloway is between £17.9 million and £32.5 million. Every year. And shattered lives.
HSE guidance (handout available) Useful information: Getting started, step-by-step - 11 steps Leading health and safety in small businesses – based on IoD/HSE guide Information about managing health and safety Simple risk assessment for small businesses
HSE guidance *New from HSE* Simple combined risk assessment and safety policy statement template Simplified interactive risk assessment for low risk office-based work. Similar will follow for classrooms and shops.
Successful health and safety management (HSG65) – currently being revised
Coming soon… Basic guidance for managing health and safety in small businesses focussing on 'what to do' and 'how to do it' A minimum standard of professional qualification for all those operating as consultants in the health and safety industry A web based directory of accredited health and safety consultants