Expedition to…One thing to take Biggest fearOne souvenir The Titanic The Moon Mt. Everest The Amazon Rainforest
When the Titanic went down, all of the passengers were told to head to the life boats. The crew knew that there were not enough life boats for every person so they stated that women and children should board first. Do you agree or disagree with that rule? Why?
Go over answers to p. 50
Gentry/Aristocracy were the wealthiest and most powerful people at this time. Middle/Working class were the next rung down. They worked hard to earn a living, doing jobs such as: farmers and traders Servants to the Gentry were presumed to be higher than the multitudes of poor beggars living in the street (most of these beggars were people that were ill and unable to work). Refugees from other countries were the lowest classes. They were considered nothing more than people that polluted and corrupted the wholesome, British way of life. Even in these times it was frowned upon to marry out of class ranks.
Ocean liners were the primary mode of international transportation Airliners were not introduced until the 1960’s First class cabin (parlor suite) First class cabin (berth) Second class Third class Immigration/moving/work
Inside- no window Outside- porthole/small window Balcony/Veranda Suites $800 a day to $4,000 a day (7- day cruise) Vacation…”pleasure cruises”
Barton Springs = 68 degrees North Atlantic = 28 degrees Freezing point = 32 degrees
1500 people died on the Titanic MMS has almost 1500 students That means every person at this school would have died when the Titanic sank
Weak Rivets No safety regulations (life vests, life boats, capacity, building standards) No safety drills Short on supplies Not enough binoculars or search lights Not enough lifeboats Problems with building materials
The sinking of the Titanic directly led to changes in the way people travel on ocean liners. Extensive testing Safety drills Safety Regulations/Building regulations