Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Priorities for Construction Programme 2008/09 Presentation for CONIAC Louise Brearey Head of Construction Sector and Policy
Keys to Success Ownership by dutyholders Motivating external partners Outcome led approach Influencing at the right time and at the right level Integration – focus on whole supply chain Clarity of purpose - priorities
Cross-Cutting Strategic Projects Major Accident Potential (MAP) High Impact Interventions (HII) Local Authority Construction Engagement (LACE) Vulnerable Workers (VW) Small Sites and Small Construction Firms (SMEs)
Fatal accidents have occurred 2007/08 preliminary
Work streams BGDP 2008/09 Refurbishment Property Developers Major Projects Homebuild Public Procurement/LA Micro and small businesses (inc WWT) Musculoskeletal Disorders (OHI project) Roadworks and temporary traffic management Asbestos
Cross-Cutting inspection themes Well managed projects Embedding CDM2007 Worker engagement Equal management of occupational health and safety risks
Refurbishment Fatalities
Refurbishment All refurb (except commercial) - inspection throughout the year - intensive inspection initiative Major Commercial Refurb - continuation of 07/08 Topics - CDM2007 inc Competence - Falls / low falls - Good order - Structural safety /temp works - Mgnt of Occ.Health/ COHME - Fire - Worker Engagement
Home Build – work by value Work by value 2000/06 - (BERR Construction Statistics 2007)
Home Build Large, medium & small contractors HBF/SHADS/Regional Volume Builders forums/WWT NLI work Small developers Timber frame Topics - CDM 2007 inc competence - Cranes - Traffic mgnt - Quick hitch - Worker Engagement - Mgnt of OH risks /COHME - Timber frame
Ongoing work Major Projects / NLI Road Workers & Temporary Traffic Management WWT/SME partnership Asbestos Licensing Musculoskeletal disorders (OHI project)
Conclusion Aim to deliver cultural change Industry ownership Evidence based approach Targeted interventions Mixture of intervention techniques Sector work with stakeholders to support field work