Pulleys Charlie Haffey Norwood Elementary Science.


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Presentation transcript:

Pulleys Charlie Haffey Norwood Elementary Science

For Simplicity Weights will be in pounds. A ten pound box weighs ten pounds. A ten kilogram box Weighs 98 Newtons.

What Is A Pulley? A wheel With a groove Can be flat Can be single or multiple

100 lbs.

Fixed Pulley E

Specifically Work = Force x Distance W = F x D To lift a 100 lb box 2 feet off the ground 2 feet of rope are reeled in.

100 lbs. 50 lbs.

100 lbs. 50 lbs. Moveable Pulley 50 lbs.

Combination Pulleys 100 lbs. 50 lbs. Double Pulley 50 lbs.

The Big Tradeoff Work = Force x Distance W = F x D The force is decreased by half. How much rope is reeled in to lift the box 2 feet off the ground?

Combination Pulleys 100 lbs. 50 lbs. E 2 Double Pulley 50 lbs.

Instant Challenge In the following example, The force is decreased by _____. How much rope is reeled in to lift the box 2 feet off the ground?

Combination Pulleys 100 lbs. 25 lbs. E 4 Double Pulley 4D

Pulleys Charlie Haffey Norwood Elementary Science