PLANS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD CMarZ IN INDIAN OCEAN By Vijayalakshmi R. Nair Consultant National Institute of Oceanography Kochi
Digitized inventory Inventories for major groups of zooplankton. Chaetognaths, Copepods, Ostracods, Mysids and Fish larvaeInventories for major groups of zooplankton. Chaetognaths, Copepods, Ostracods, Mysids and Fish larvae All species recorded from Indian Ocean will be digitized by specialistsAll species recorded from Indian Ocean will be digitized by specialists Each inventory will cover complete morphological descriptions of species, known biological distribution and a comprehensive bibliographyEach inventory will cover complete morphological descriptions of species, known biological distribution and a comprehensive bibliography Can be part of CMarZ species pageCan be part of CMarZ species page
CMarZ related cruise for Indian Ocean and Barcoding Scanty data on zooplankton from western side of IndonesiaScanty data on zooplankton from western side of Indonesia Deep water collection for central and southern Indian Ocean (south of Equator) lackingDeep water collection for central and southern Indian Ocean (south of Equator) lacking To initiate cruise for above sectors of Indian OceanTo initiate cruise for above sectors of Indian Ocean Species from Indian Ocean to be identified and preserved for DNA barcodingSpecies from Indian Ocean to be identified and preserved for DNA barcoding
Community structure Biodiversity of Andaman waters. Inshore zones harbour new and endemic speciesBiodiversity of Andaman waters. Inshore zones harbour new and endemic species Variability in vertical disposition of species between Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.Variability in vertical disposition of species between Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. CMarZ samples to be studied for chaetognathsCMarZ samples to be studied for chaetognaths Species list To compile list of species recorded from Indian Ocean To compile list of species recorded from Indian Ocean
CMarZ Network More zooplankton experts from India will be encouraged to join CMarZ network.More zooplankton experts from India will be encouraged to join CMarZ network. Prepare a list of Taxonomists from Indian OceanPrepare a list of Taxonomists from Indian Ocean
Training for basic sorting at NIOTraining for basic sorting at NIO Species level identification for chaetognaths, copepods, mysids, fish larvae and other groupsSpecies level identification for chaetognaths, copepods, mysids, fish larvae and other groups Workshop on taxonomy of Indian Ocean zooplanktonWorkshop on taxonomy of Indian Ocean zooplankton Training
New generation taxonomists Several Research Fellows work at NIOSeveral Research Fellows work at NIO Encourage them to do Ph.D on biodiversity of major groups of zooplanktonEncourage them to do Ph.D on biodiversity of major groups of zooplankton Available expertise to be utilizedAvailable expertise to be utilized
Public awareness Appreciation for marine life (zooplankton) though popular articles and handouts to studentsAppreciation for marine life (zooplankton) though popular articles and handouts to students Press coverage on CMarZ goal and activitiesPress coverage on CMarZ goal and activities Participation in relevant workshops/ symposia on zooplankton to popularise CMarZ activitiesParticipation in relevant workshops/ symposia on zooplankton to popularise CMarZ activities