Strategic Tuition and Fee Issues SHAPING THE UNIVERSITY.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategic Tuition and Fee Issues SHAPING THE UNIVERSITY

Context 2 year decisions <5% per year Lower quartile of peers 2

Cabinet Priorities Finance human capital Strengthen academic core Respond to technology needs Build solvent athletic program 3

Within a Conservative Approach Institution FY Undergraduate Resident Students Tuition and Fees University of North Carolina Wilmington$6,315 California State University Chico$7,002 Truman State University$7,374 Murray State University$7,392 University of Northern Iowa$7,749 Towson University$8,590 SUNY at Binghamton$8,619 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire$8,744 California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo$8,919 Western Washington University$8,965 James Madison University$9,662 University of Maryland-Baltimore County$10,384 University of Maine$10,606 College of Charleston$10,878 The University of Texas at Dallas$11,806 Rowan University$12,616 The College of New Jersey$15,024 College of William and Mary$17,656 Source: College Board $1,434 4

Quick Highlight Summary UG Res. Tuition:+ 4.02% in FY % in FY 17 Fees:+ 4.9% in FY % in FY 17 Housing:+ 2% in FY 16 Food:+ 3.25% in FY 16 5

Historic Comparisons + FY 16(rec) Other factors: Mid-year FY 15 reversions 2% state cut in FY 16 6

Strategic Issue One: Human Resources 85% equity level for SPA employees Retention money for key EPA employees Note: Could not afford across the board increases 7

Strategic Issue Two: Academic Core Faculty positions in key departments Applied learning 8

Strategic Issue Three: Technology Upgrade and maintain WI-FI System 9

Strategic Issue Four: Athletics Fee increases in FY 16 & FY 17 ($28 and $42 per student) Balanced approach ◦ Moderate fee revenue ◦ Budget and program “right sizing” ◦ Increased fundraising 10

On to the details…but Many other components ◦ Restoring key areas Recommendations are limited compared to total need Need to focus on strategic issues 11