Revelation Seminars 1 Strange World of the Apocalypse Messages from Patmos for Today!
Revelation Seminars 1 1.Show that God had a special message for the seven churches 2. Explain how Revelation is for us—to be understood 3. Demonstrate that God has a special message for us in Revelation objectives Strange World of the Apocalypse
Revelation Seminars 1 Who was John? There are BLESSINGS in this book Patmos
Q A Q1 What is the scriptural title of this book? Revelation 1:1 A the revelation of Jesus Christ Revelation Seminars 1
Revelation Seminars 1 Q2 How did John receive this revelation? Revelation 1:1 A God gave it to Jesus Christ Then Jesus gave it to his angel The angel gave it to his servant John Q3 What does John call that which he saw and wrote down? Revelation 1:2 A the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ
Revelation Seminars 1 Q4 To read and study is not enough. What must we do if we are to be blessed by this revelation of Jesus Christ? Revelation 1:3 A take to heart (apply to our lives) what is written Revelation is an apocalypse Revelation is the final chapter of the Bible
Revelation Seminars 1 The Seven Churches Q5 Name the seven churches to which John was told to send the Revelation? Revelation 1:4,11 A
Across the Lycus River valley are the hot water springs of Pamukkale
Revelation Seminars 1 Does God have a special message for us today? Revelation was written for the first century Revelation was written for us Q6 The central themes of Revelation are found in chapters In Revelation 14:6-12 we have the SPECIAL MESSAGE that God has for us. What does the first angel have to proclaim to the whole world? Revelation 14:6 A the eternal gospel
Q true or false 1.John wrote Revelation while a slave on Patmos. 2.Revelation is called “the word of God.” 3.The theme of Revelation is the power called the beast. 4.To receive the blessings of this book we should read, hear and “take to heart” that which is written in Revelation. Q yes/no/not sure 5. Do you choose to “take to heart” what Jesus Christ reveals in Revelation? Revelation Seminars 1 quiz
My Response... Q Revelation is the story of Jesus Christ and what He has done and is going to do for us. We will read Revelation verse by verse and theme by theme. Do you choose to "take to heart" what Jesus reveals in Revelation? A Revelation Seminars 1 NewChurchLife Resource –
Revelation Seminars 1 Strange World of the Apocalypse Messages from Patmos for Today!