Chun-Yuan Lin CUDA-Programming training-7. 向量加法 1BMT (6) 再次修改 使用一個區塊 使用 256 個執行緒 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Chun-Yuan Lin CUDA-Programming training-7

向量加法 1BMT (6) 再次修改 使用一個區塊 使用 256 個執行緒 2

Training Please write a CUDA program to do vector add by using Multiple Blocks Multiple Threads.

Please send the code of this training and the word file with the speedup ratio to my . (before 6/5, 23:59). Please annotate your name and your student ID in . The file name is “student ID”. If more than one file, the names are “student ID-1”, “student ID-2”, etc. Please compress the files to or.rar file. The file name is “student ID-train7”. For example, a student has ID “A ” and two files. The file names are A c and A c and the compressed file name is A The file will be rejected without following the rules.