G Alan Wemyss Project Manager – NSAC SAT Martin Morrell Training Adviser – National Specialist Team Specialist Apprentice Programmes (SAPs)
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Factors behind this development of specialist training: No formal Training available via traditional routes No route of entry to specialists VQs, so no career opportunities, no incentive to join the sectors Ageing workforce in sectors To improve grant availability to specialist sectors To capitalise on any training resources available within the specialist sectors
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Similarities between SAPs, traditional apprenticeships and specialist apprenticeships offered by NCC are: –Red CSCS card at the start –Blue skilled card at end of apprenticeship –NVQ level 2 outcome –Learner employed for 12 weeks before registering BUT
Specialist Apprentice Programmes SAPs are DIFFERENT –No College of FE involved, Trade Associations are partner providers –Programmes month duration – up to 4 programme starts per annum per occupation –Usually up to 25 days off the job best practice training in short duration modules – exposure to every aspect of the occupation –Employers prefer age 18+ BUT no upper age limit –COST to Employer for training
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Basic Ground Rules –There must be an NVQ in place and an assessor –There must be a Trade Association for the occupation capable of being partner provider –There must NOT be a Framework or Diploma for the occupation being considered for a SAP –IPR of any Scheme Book produced belongs to CSkills –Trade Association/experts develop the specification – you are the experts!
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Basic Ground Rules –Programmes month duration – training in first 18 months –Assessment/Portfolio building last 6 months But assessor linked to learner at start of programme –Trade Associations link to NSAC SAT for grant registration, and other registration paperwork. –Available only to learners who have contract of employment – NO subbies! Grant requirement –NOT a substitute for upskilling unqualified labour!
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Basic Ground Rules Employer must: –have WBR –provide Mentor and supervised training to specification –must make learner available for all off job training (and pay Trade Association) –Must have current H&S policy, insurance, provision for 16 to 18s if appropriate. –Must report all RIDDOR accidents soonest to Trade Association
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Basic Ground Rules Trade Association = training provider – (NSAC SAT admin/grant/monitoring hub) Must : –Have Indemnity insurance –Follow child protection legislation for under 18 learners –Follow NSAC SAT procedures –For all new starts provide off job training dates for every module in programme 2 weeks before programme starts Must NOT subcontract delivery to a third party
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Stages of Development 1.The Scheme – list of modules, sequenced with N° of days off (must be near to 25) and on job training The learner will receive exposure to every aspect of occupation in Off Job training, irrespective of whether employer operates in all of them. It is likely that the trade association will also be developing training resources or already have these at this stage.
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Stages of Development 2. The Specification (becomes part of Scheme Book) – each of modules in the Scheme broken down into practical and knowledge skills. Think of Method statement to develop content. Done for both ON and Off Job training –Programme must be seen as whole – on and off job days in total represent total training days –IPR belongs to CSkills
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Stages of Development 2. cont : The Specification is not drawn from NOS - Each Module will take the learner through every aspect from arriving on site to leaving site – the aim is to give best practice training in both H&S, practical and knowledge. Evidence for NVQ assessment will occur naturally
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Stages of Development 3. Training record log book developed to record off and ON job training – evidence of supervised training by employer that builds on off job best practice training. - mainly produced by copy paste from specification
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Stages of Development 4. Training provider develops own training notes, powerpoints etc IPR of these remain with trade association or individual
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Purpose of Specification –Comprehensive unambiguous spec for trainer to develop own notes –Consistent quality/content of delivery throughout UK –Aide Memoir to learner –Selling tool to demonstrate scope of training to employer & why it costs! –CSkills quality control – training audit. What page today? Check delivery against content
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Timescale Usually takes between 9 to 12 months from inception to pilot Develop SAP WBR training for employers Recruit employers/learners Training Partner enter into legal agreement with CSkills - SLA Market Pilot Pilot Begins 12 Months
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Role of NSAC SAT Act as facilitator/mentor in development cycle Approve SAP programmes NVQ registration (if NSAC SAT accredited centre) Grant registration Apprentice Officers –Employer PPCL (H&S check) –Deliver SLE, Induction, ERR and (in near future) IAG –Reviews (4 per annum) –Identify retention issues Quality Monitoring
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Aug 1 st 2010 onwards No external funding New grant scheme – recognition of SAPs Only for Approved Programmes – Must be 24 months level 2 Delivery only by approved Trade Associations or Training Groups Charge per learner - £550. £300 with Grant registration form and £250 six months after date of registration. No payment, no registration. NSAC conduit for all SAP learners Rule Book
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Aug 1 st 2010 onwards The SAP Framework from Aug 1 st 2010 –Employer/Apprentice Training Agreement –Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) –Industry Approved Training Programme –NVQ Competence Award at an appropriate Level –CSCS Skilled card –Certificate of Apprenticeship Achievement from NSAC
Specialist Apprentice Programmes Aug 1 st 2010 onwards The SAP Grant from Aug 1 st st year attendance/incentive £1715* 2nd year attendance/incentive £1410* VQ Level 2 £275 Framework achievement £1,800 Total grant for 2 year apprenticeship VQ level 2 £5,200 3rd year attendance £875* VQ Level 3 £275 Advanced framework achievement £2,650 Total grant for 3 year apprenticeship £9,000
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