NIFTY-FIFTY WORD LIST 2 These words contain common roots, prefixes and suffixes. When you master the spelling patterns and meanings of these words, you can apply that knowledge to help spell and build meaning for other words.
You are not born smart…you get smart! govern
You are not born smart…you get smart! press
You are not born smart…you get smart! impress
You are not born smart…you get smart! depend
You are not born smart…you get smart! marine
You are not born smart…you get smart! port
You are not born smart…you get smart! transport
You are not born smart…you get smart! finish
You are not born smart…you get smart! finished
New Words with Suffixes & Prefixes Expensive Governor Impression Independence Submarine Transportation Unfinished
Words Created By Combining Parts Hoped Transpose Transposed Government Compress Compression Expose Exposed Composed Posed Discovered Covered Encouraged Uncovered
Govern Impress Press Depend Marie Port Transport Finish Finished