AFTER ACTION REVIEWS & CURRENT STATUS ► IC/AC GROUP PRODUCED 2 AAR’S IN DECEMBER, 2005: One focusing on the National Response Plan One focusing on issues within the control of the Wildland Fire Community ► The NRP AAR sent to the Sec. of DHS and the Acting Director of FEMA ► The Internal AAR sent to National/Regional Fire Directors, NWCG, NMAC, etc.
NRP AAR – KEY POINTS & ONGOING REVISIONS ► THE NRP LACKS SUBSTANCE Roles and Responsibilities need to be expanded – especially as they relate to the ESF-4 The NRP relies on local response – fails to recognize or plan for the cascading effect of the collapse of local/state government The NRP fails to provide a clear, coordinated organization for emergency response needs NRP processes and systems lacking to support a disaster and reflect the sense of urgency demanded by those affected
NRP AAR – KEY POINTS & ONGOING REVISIONS ► NRP LACKS SUBSTANCE – STATUS REPORT ESF-4 issue being addressed – includes: ► “Typing” of ESF-4 skills ► Utilizing USFA to represent “structural ESF-4” ► Qualifications ► Position Task Book ► Other ESF’s?
NRP AAR – KEY POINTS & ONGOING REVISIONS The failure to plan for the collapse of local/state government ► Also recognized by the White House report ► Being discussed – resolution: unknown The need to provide a clear, coordinated organization for emergency response ► IC/AC Group provided a recommended “field organization to the Sec. of DHS ► IC/AC Group has formally begun working with HSOC to assist in the resolution of this issue ► PFO – likely to utilize IMT to run JFO
NRP AAR – KEY POINTS & ONGOING REVISIONS Processes and systems not in place ► Single point ordering and tracking system under development ► ROSS will be utilized to track and status resources ► THE ROLE AND CAPABILITIES OF IMT’S IS POORLY UNDERSTOOD The leadership and management model of IMT’s is being recognized: PFO’s, Secretary, Director, HSOC ► Expect more, not less reliance (we can’t do this without you – USCG, FEMA – USFA) ► Pre-scripted mission assignments being developed ► Agreements with States
NRP AAR – KEY POINTS & ONGOING REVISION ► NRP FISCAL-RELATED POLICIES AS THEY RELATE TO IMT’S NEED CLARIFICATION Need a clear definition of fiscal authority and accountability for IMTs Resolution: unknown ► THE NEED TO ENGAGE THE WILDLAND FIRE GROUP IN THE REVISION OF THE NRP DOA/DOI have requested involvement in re-write or review Development of the “All Hazards” Doctrine Dale Dague/Steve Gage – current FS WO reps Chair IC/AC group partner up with CG/HSOC
INTERNAL AAR –KEY POINTS – CURRENT STATUS INTERNAL AAR –KEY POINTS – CURRENT STATUS ► ROLE OF THE GEOGRAPHIC AREA Causes confusion and duplication – a parallel organization for emergency response Clarification is being developed – SE GA ► THE NEED FOR AN ALL-HAZARD TOOL KIT Databases, standard plans for military bases, cache vans specific to all hazard, agreements, etc. Under development – also recognized is SA AAR
INTERNAL AAR – KEY POINTS – CURRENT STATUS ► OBLIGATION OF AGENCY $ WITHOUT CLEAR AUTHORITY An issue for both federal and non-Federal IC’s Can be addressed with a DOA for Federal IC’s OGC asked to address the issue for non-Feds ► SPAN OF CONTROL FOR ACT’S AND BT’S There is a group addressing the issue associated with buying teams Capacity for AC more problematic - capacity
INTERNAL AAR – KEY POINTS - CURRENT STATUS ► IMT ALLOWABLE WEIGHT FOR NICC CHARTERED AIRCRAFT Revision has been developed – expect letter to that effect in the near future ► WILDLAND FIRE AGENCIES ORGANIZATION & THE ABILITY TO MEET NRP SORO has developed a plan to address the issue in PNW GA Id’ed as an issue in the SE – under development Nationally – not currently being addressed
INTERNAL AAR – KEY POINTS – CURRENT STATUS ► THE NEED FOR A COMPLEXITY ANALYSIS FOR ALL HAZARD ASSIGNMENTS Under development ► AVAIALBILITY & AUTHORITY OF AGENCY LEO’S Discussions have occurred between USFS/DOI law enforcement on this issue Commitment to resolve
INTERNAL AAR – KEY POINTS – CURRENT STATUS ► THE CONVOLUTED AND COMPLEX ORDERING SYSTEM DOES NOT INSTILL A SENSE OF URGENCY Multiple ordering systems all based on a tiered approach is cumbersome, lacks a tracking mechanism, and changes from state to state ► THE WILDLAND FIRE COMMUNITY NEEDS TO: Develop an ordering handbook Instill a sense of urgency for filling orders Tie GSA to our Buying Teams Work with DHS to develop a single ordering system