Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Buy Quiet - A long-term strategy to influence the supply and purchase of low- noise machinery
Buy Quiet Generate consumer demand for Low Noise (and Vibration) tools and Machinery Encourage development and production of Low Noise (and Vibration) tools And Machinery Noisy tools and machinery cease to be sold as lower noise counterparts are purchased in preference
Aim - Purchasers Where two otherwise suitable tools or machines are available, purchasers will opt to purchase the lower noise alternative.
Aim - Manufacturers To help and influence manufacturers of machines and equipment to develop and incorporate noise and hand-arm vibration (HAV) control technology in their products to supply employers with information on noise and HAV risks in use sufficient for them to carry out a reasonable risk assessment.
How The Buy Quiet message will be promoted to large purchasers of tools and machinery in a range of target sectors via a sustained range of education and promotion activities.
How The project will need to run for the next five to ten years in order to achieve a sustained change in purchasing behaviour and to see this impact on the design and packaging of new tools and machinery.
How This strategy is intended to be just one part of a portfolio of interventions intended to eliminate or minimise ill- health and injury resulting from occupational noise exposure.
Building on success… Low vibration tools
Noise Emission in the Environment by Equipment for Use Outdoors Regulations Permissible sound power level
Fortress UK? We are not alone! Buy Quiet projects are up and running in Australia, New Zealand and USA. European citizens consider that noise is one the major sources of pollution and there is support for our project.
Success will look like this (from …offers reduced vibration and better feel via the foam core technology.
Quiet kit, quick fix? Need to make it clear that purchase of quiet machinery is a long term goal and may not immediately yield results. Purchase of quiet machinery does not negate the requirement to maintain it properly
Aim for today We need your thoughts and views to help guide further work on Buy Quiet
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