OHS LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER Orientation Presentation
LIBRARY HOURS Open from 7:15 – 3:00 Open during lunch (unless new procedures are not followed).
The best time to use a computer is before and after school. If there are no classes in the library, lunch time is also available. C OMPUTER LAB
INTERNET PROCEDURES While there are not a lot of rules, we expect you to be professional and good digital citizens. Never change the icons, download anything without permission, or delete or tamper with other students work. We decide what is and is not appropriate.
rocedures: Whatever your classroom teacher expects espect: Treat the library and everyone in it with respect. ndividual: Appreciate and respect yourself and others ifferences: Celebrate our diversity veryday: Read, work hard, and do your best everyday RAM The Library is for EVERYONE!
Anytime! Give us your ID number at the circulation desk. There is no set limit on how many books you can take. Checkout period is 2 weeks, with $.05 per day fine. CHECK-OUT
PRINTING AND COPYING Copies are $.05 each. It is coin-operated. All color prints are $.25 per page. Use only when necessary. No exceptions even for English. Pay Mrs. Gallagher or student aide and sign pay log. All black and white prints are $.10 per page. Except English work. $5.00 writing fee goes toward buying ink. Work for all other classes will be $.10 per page. Pay Mrs. Gallagher or student aide and sign pay log.
LUNCH PROCEDURES Eat lunch ONLY at long tables in the middle. Back tables reserved for QUIET ZONE and studying. NO FOOD. Clean your table, pick up all crumbs and put your trash in the bins. We will try lunch for the first month and decide if we can go forward.
HOW TO FIND A BOOK Destiny Search: By title, subject, author, or keyword. Browse selection of books: Fiction, Non-fiction, Biography, Reference, Spanish, and promotional areas. Dewey Decimal: The address of the book. Ask! We will be happy to help.
O N - LINE D IGITAL C ATALOG Click on Library Search from desktop in the library. Search books at OHS only or at all Owasso Schools. Login using last name/first initial and student i.d. to see your account.
Calendar Resources Databases On-line Catalog Useful Links & much more! L IBRARY W EBSITE
W E LOVE TO HAVE FUN & LEARN IN THE LIBRARY ! College & Career Corner Nooks, e-books, and audio books Kaffe Libro Teen Read Week bookmark contest Book fairs Listening Lunches Book Club Use of Web 2.0 tools And much more!
N EW ! AUDIOBOOKS CATALIST DIGITAL downloadable audiobooks Playaways
K AFFE L IBRO Every Tuesday and Friday morning before school Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tea, and muffins Everything is $1.00 Why? For fun! A time for you to hang out with friends, study, be alone, or whatever you want and enjoy a muffin and hot beverage!
OHS B OOK C LUB Wednesday during both lunches Students choose the book to read Eat lunch, read, discuss, and enjoy books We will have our first meeting to discuss specifics on Wednesday, September 11 th, during both lunches. Bring your lunch, your friends, and your ideas!